Monday, December 5, 2011
You are Surrounded by Love.
If you have not yet seen this video, now is the time.
At this moment, the world is reaching out to Jonah. We are standing up, we are writing in, we are speaking out in a chorus of love and hope.
This is what I love about our community. This is one reason, out of many, I know I can really be proud to be gay..... Every one of us is willing to wake up our souls at any moment to reach out to a child in need. We all are equipped with the emotional/spiritual CPR, in a sense, to breathe that Breath of Life back into the bodies of those suffering souls. We bond ourselves together as a community because we honor human self-preservation. This has been going on since the beginning of time, here it is again today.
All of us, every person on this planet has an abundant capacity for love and the capacity to love. Since I believe this point to be true, I also believe that there is no such thing as a bad person. However, I do believe that we allow ourselves to forget about this capacity; I believe that we allow ourselves to become lazy with our potential for kindness. Being hopeful/kind is much more difficult than being pessimistic/judgmental. Therefore bad things happen. If you show a person love, they want love. If they don't experience enough love, they learn that love doesn't exist. Our responsibility as people who interact with people is to show love at all times, this is a universal rule. It will take constant effort and self-reflection, but there is no greater reward.
"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted that flame within us" - Albert Schweitzer
This is our mission, Delaware. Unlike Mission Impossible, we don't get a choice as to whether we accept it. It is our human responsibility to be kind to one another simply because there is no other option. I'm certain many have already read the one article: "I'm Christian, Unless you're Gay" ...which highlighted this point far superior than my humble paragraphs. But my point is this: There are people who are still suffering or struggling with emotions relevant to their sexuality, even in Delaware! Find them. Help them. Nourish them with your wisdom and your kindness. Educate them that they are not alone. Inform them about groups like PFLAG, Haven, CAMP Rehoboth... and the many other groups that exist to bring comfort and joy to our area. (Note the chain of links off to the right of this page) However, understand that you alone are enough. You, as a friend or family member, are enough to be your own support group for whoever is hurting. The last thing Delaware needs is more people being lazy with their generosity. Embrace the best in yourself and know that you are surrounded by love so that you may surround others with love as well.
That little boy in the video had no idea of how profound an impact his message would leave in the community. You are loved, leave with gratitude.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
December so far....
4:PFLAG (Rehoboth), Bingo-a-GoGo (Wilmington), Rainbow Choral @ Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA)
6: LGBT community event @ Pro Kitchen Gear (Greenville)
8: PFLAG (7pm, Wilmington, Westminster Pres. Church)
10: Rainbow Chorale Concert (3 pm, Epworth Church, Rehoboth) Renaissance Meeting (Wilmington)
11: Rainbow Chorale Concert (4pm, First/Central Church, Wilmington), Anita's Angels Drag show (8pm, Blue Parrot Bar/Grill, Wilmington)
14: De Pride Community meeting (Wilmington)
15: Our Night Out's 1 year Anniversary/Holiday party(Wilmington)
25: Merry Christmas!
27: Food Bank volunteering opportunity (Newark)
31: Rehoboth GAYla
January 1: Civil Unions are legal!
January 7: One Love, a civil union event (8pm, DE Art Museum, Wilmington)
4:PFLAG (Rehoboth), Bingo-a-GoGo (Wilmington), Rainbow Choral @ Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA)
6: LGBT community event @ Pro Kitchen Gear (Greenville)
8: PFLAG (7pm, Wilmington, Westminster Pres. Church)
10: Rainbow Chorale Concert (3 pm, Epworth Church, Rehoboth) Renaissance Meeting (Wilmington)
11: Rainbow Chorale Concert (4pm, First/Central Church, Wilmington), Anita's Angels Drag show (8pm, Blue Parrot Bar/Grill, Wilmington)
14: De Pride Community meeting (Wilmington)
15: Our Night Out's 1 year Anniversary/Holiday party(Wilmington)
25: Merry Christmas!
27: Food Bank volunteering opportunity (Newark)
31: Rehoboth GAYla
January 1: Civil Unions are legal!
January 7: One Love, a civil union event (8pm, DE Art Museum, Wilmington)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A worthwhile reminder
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” [Nelson Mandela]
Delaware gay lesbian,
nelson mandela
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The following essay is an incredibly complex series of thoughts, so if you don't feel like reading it and delving into your inner self, then back away now. :)
Acknowledging that this month is October, we should be aware that October features two dates to be highlighted, at least for this essay: Halloween and National Coming Out Day. These two dates share an opposing theme of hiding or revealing one's identity. In the spirit of these observances, let us reflect on the duality of both as they pertain to our culture and use that as a lesson for the month.
"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Hide your face so the world may never find you!" -- Phantom of the Opera
To clarify, this isn't an essay about the history of the date so much as the symbolism behind them. The day of Halloween gives us permission to dress up in costumes and parade around our neighborhoods. It's entertaining to clothe ourselves in a new persona amidst friends. However, there are so many of us who will parade around each day projecting a persona that we know to be an act. Hopefully by now, the symbolism of these two holidays is becoming more evident. National Coming Out Day is a day for the LGBT community to recognize their self-identity or sexual orientations and then celebrate it openly with pride. This day is similar to how many holidays serve as a reminder for self-reflection. While National Coming Out Day was designed around the LGBT community, there's room for interpretation in regard to the the act of “coming out” but more on that later.
Now for the profound stuff:
There are two faces we can show to the world. There's our true face and then there's a mask. These masks we wear can take many forms: happiness, strength, confidence, etc; it is entirely possible to wear multiple masks. They are all faces we utilize to hide the emotions/faces that we are genuinely feeling. In a way, they represent a character we wish we could embody. There's a hint of irony hidden behind our masquerading. The irony exists because these masks are often the emotions we wish we could embody in their truest forms. However, we cannot live as honestly as we feel because we are often too afraid to undergo the moments of vulnerability associated with the process of self-discovery. With that said, those moments of vulnerability are necessary to purify those positive feelings (happiness, courage strength).
What the hell does that mean?!
Maybe another explanation can assist: In order to truly experience the joy of living with genuine courage or strength, we must march through the fires of fear, vulnerability and shame in order to triumph on the other side with a greater sense of happiness and self-worth. Unfortunately, we develop then don these false faces to avoid addressing that period of fear. (Hopefully, you're not confused by the esoteric language; it is a complex mentality.) In short, it's self-sabotage. You are holding yourself back from your own potential. Too many of us are in denial that these masks even exist because we have lived so long with them that we begin to embody the mask as if it's our own flesh. Too frequently will we defend the mask itself, using it as a shield as we hide behind it in denial. That true sense of self-worth gives us the liberty to take that mask off and live as a true self. Consider this essay to be an open invitation for self-reflection and revelation. Consider this essay to be a guide along the process of coming out, in ways far more faceted than simply announcing one's orientation. Grant yourself permission to live honestly so you can honestly live.
There are 6 steps or stages that illustrate the all-encompassing process of coming out.
(Once again, take note that coming out is more than coming out “of the closet,” it is essentially a public announcement about the Self)
1. Overcome Denial
2. Identify the Truth about the Self
3. Overcome Fear/Guilt/Shame
4. Decide/Prepare to Come Out
5. Reveal the Truth about the Self
6. Live Truthfully
“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin
Overcoming Denial:
Some people might not have anything they are denying, but for those who do, this step is yours to tread. What is it about yourself that you are denying? Most people already know that secret or hidden bit of information that they aren't sharing. Overcoming denial is the initial step to starting the process of coming out simply because it is the moment when one makes that budding realization that something needs to change.
“The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates” – Thomas Szasz
Identifying the Truth about the Self:
The second step is as laughably simple as it is uniquely confounding. This is when we say “I know who I am.” Following this sentence is a lifetime of self-reflection, as we are constantly redefining ourselves. How does one know the self? We know who we are because we know our passions. You are your passions. Embrace your passions to embrace yourself. Deep down inside the core of our character, we know what motivates us, inspires us, or offends us. This is who we are. However too many of us ignore that little voice due to fear of how others will perceive us. This is where the notion of our masks is born. Being able to separate ourselves from the fear is essential to transitioning up to the next step.
“It is a false belief that the courageous live without fear; they are intimate with it.” – Buddhist proverb
Overcoming Fear/Guilt/Shame:
The primary reason we feel a need to hide is due to fear. Fear is the root of both shame and guilt; and these emotions have such a negative impact on the psyche. Fear exists in all stages of the coming out process, but we interpret it differently depending on how far along we are. Being able to separate ourselves from the fear and living to foster our own core happiness is a key understanding in the process of coming out. How much value do we give to others' opinions regarding us? How much do we allow others' opinions to modify our own behavior? How many of us know that others' opinions are entirely irrelevant? Am I ready to release that shame and willing to take that risk?
“I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” – Voltaire
Deciding/Preparing to Come Out:
So you've gotten this far into your own self-reflection. Now comes the real challenge. This is the moment when we decide to be honest with ourselves by being honest with everyone else. This stage is simply no more than telling someone. Be aware that others will react, but remember this is your information and your life being revealed.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater becomes their power to harm us.” – Voltaire
Revealing the Truth about Yourself:
“I'm gay.” “I'm an alcoholic.” “I'm having an affair.” “I don't want to go to Harvard, but rather Julliard.” And just like that, your information is out. Congratulations. Now give the other individuals their time to adjust to your information and allow for their response. Many times, their response could yield great social consequences and therein lies another wave of fear. But accept that fear, address that fear, and push through it. Remember that whatever people think about you is their opinion and their opinion alone. Opinions are not facts, they are thoughts. If someone doesn't like your clothes, that does not mean you're wearing bad clothes, it simply means they believe that way; it is their opinion. Your information is out and now you are one step closer to knowing you can embrace your truth.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedoms of others.” -- Nelson Mandela
Living Truthfully:
Here we are at the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the moment when you realize that your truth is out and you are indeed changed. Embrace this moment, cherish this moment. Many who know themselves well have a much easier time making decisions for they are always attuned to that core happiness and self understanding. Remember to the beginning of this essay, and the irony assigned to the masks we wear. Remember how it was described that the characters we want to be are held back by the characters we are. Too many of us are stuck in stage 2 or barely even started at all. Find them. Help them. Teach them. We will never know how deep the roots of our influence will reach, so share love at all times.
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness is never decreased by being shared.” – Buddhist proverb
This is October. We have both National Coming Out Day and Halloween to observe. Take a moment to reflect upon the various stages of the coming out process. Be aware of the characters you become once in costumes for Halloween and acknowledge the masks you wear or once wore. Use them as a reminder of how far you have developed. Use the rest of your life be introspective; only you can be you. There is no shame in knowledge. I will conclude with a thought from Nelson Mandela: “As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
Happy National Coming Out Day.
Happy Halloween.
Live honestly so you may honestly live.
Delaware GLU.
Acknowledging that this month is October, we should be aware that October features two dates to be highlighted, at least for this essay: Halloween and National Coming Out Day. These two dates share an opposing theme of hiding or revealing one's identity. In the spirit of these observances, let us reflect on the duality of both as they pertain to our culture and use that as a lesson for the month.
"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Hide your face so the world may never find you!" -- Phantom of the Opera
To clarify, this isn't an essay about the history of the date so much as the symbolism behind them. The day of Halloween gives us permission to dress up in costumes and parade around our neighborhoods. It's entertaining to clothe ourselves in a new persona amidst friends. However, there are so many of us who will parade around each day projecting a persona that we know to be an act. Hopefully by now, the symbolism of these two holidays is becoming more evident. National Coming Out Day is a day for the LGBT community to recognize their self-identity or sexual orientations and then celebrate it openly with pride. This day is similar to how many holidays serve as a reminder for self-reflection. While National Coming Out Day was designed around the LGBT community, there's room for interpretation in regard to the the act of “coming out” but more on that later.
Now for the profound stuff:
There are two faces we can show to the world. There's our true face and then there's a mask. These masks we wear can take many forms: happiness, strength, confidence, etc; it is entirely possible to wear multiple masks. They are all faces we utilize to hide the emotions/faces that we are genuinely feeling. In a way, they represent a character we wish we could embody. There's a hint of irony hidden behind our masquerading. The irony exists because these masks are often the emotions we wish we could embody in their truest forms. However, we cannot live as honestly as we feel because we are often too afraid to undergo the moments of vulnerability associated with the process of self-discovery. With that said, those moments of vulnerability are necessary to purify those positive feelings (happiness, courage strength).
What the hell does that mean?!
Maybe another explanation can assist: In order to truly experience the joy of living with genuine courage or strength, we must march through the fires of fear, vulnerability and shame in order to triumph on the other side with a greater sense of happiness and self-worth. Unfortunately, we develop then don these false faces to avoid addressing that period of fear. (Hopefully, you're not confused by the esoteric language; it is a complex mentality.) In short, it's self-sabotage. You are holding yourself back from your own potential. Too many of us are in denial that these masks even exist because we have lived so long with them that we begin to embody the mask as if it's our own flesh. Too frequently will we defend the mask itself, using it as a shield as we hide behind it in denial. That true sense of self-worth gives us the liberty to take that mask off and live as a true self. Consider this essay to be an open invitation for self-reflection and revelation. Consider this essay to be a guide along the process of coming out, in ways far more faceted than simply announcing one's orientation. Grant yourself permission to live honestly so you can honestly live.
There are 6 steps or stages that illustrate the all-encompassing process of coming out.
(Once again, take note that coming out is more than coming out “of the closet,” it is essentially a public announcement about the Self)
1. Overcome Denial
2. Identify the Truth about the Self
3. Overcome Fear/Guilt/Shame
4. Decide/Prepare to Come Out
5. Reveal the Truth about the Self
6. Live Truthfully
“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin
Overcoming Denial:
Some people might not have anything they are denying, but for those who do, this step is yours to tread. What is it about yourself that you are denying? Most people already know that secret or hidden bit of information that they aren't sharing. Overcoming denial is the initial step to starting the process of coming out simply because it is the moment when one makes that budding realization that something needs to change.
“The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates” – Thomas Szasz
Identifying the Truth about the Self:
The second step is as laughably simple as it is uniquely confounding. This is when we say “I know who I am.” Following this sentence is a lifetime of self-reflection, as we are constantly redefining ourselves. How does one know the self? We know who we are because we know our passions. You are your passions. Embrace your passions to embrace yourself. Deep down inside the core of our character, we know what motivates us, inspires us, or offends us. This is who we are. However too many of us ignore that little voice due to fear of how others will perceive us. This is where the notion of our masks is born. Being able to separate ourselves from the fear is essential to transitioning up to the next step.
“It is a false belief that the courageous live without fear; they are intimate with it.” – Buddhist proverb
Overcoming Fear/Guilt/Shame:
The primary reason we feel a need to hide is due to fear. Fear is the root of both shame and guilt; and these emotions have such a negative impact on the psyche. Fear exists in all stages of the coming out process, but we interpret it differently depending on how far along we are. Being able to separate ourselves from the fear and living to foster our own core happiness is a key understanding in the process of coming out. How much value do we give to others' opinions regarding us? How much do we allow others' opinions to modify our own behavior? How many of us know that others' opinions are entirely irrelevant? Am I ready to release that shame and willing to take that risk?
“I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” – Voltaire
Deciding/Preparing to Come Out:
So you've gotten this far into your own self-reflection. Now comes the real challenge. This is the moment when we decide to be honest with ourselves by being honest with everyone else. This stage is simply no more than telling someone. Be aware that others will react, but remember this is your information and your life being revealed.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater becomes their power to harm us.” – Voltaire
Revealing the Truth about Yourself:
“I'm gay.” “I'm an alcoholic.” “I'm having an affair.” “I don't want to go to Harvard, but rather Julliard.” And just like that, your information is out. Congratulations. Now give the other individuals their time to adjust to your information and allow for their response. Many times, their response could yield great social consequences and therein lies another wave of fear. But accept that fear, address that fear, and push through it. Remember that whatever people think about you is their opinion and their opinion alone. Opinions are not facts, they are thoughts. If someone doesn't like your clothes, that does not mean you're wearing bad clothes, it simply means they believe that way; it is their opinion. Your information is out and now you are one step closer to knowing you can embrace your truth.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedoms of others.” -- Nelson Mandela
Living Truthfully:
Here we are at the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the moment when you realize that your truth is out and you are indeed changed. Embrace this moment, cherish this moment. Many who know themselves well have a much easier time making decisions for they are always attuned to that core happiness and self understanding. Remember to the beginning of this essay, and the irony assigned to the masks we wear. Remember how it was described that the characters we want to be are held back by the characters we are. Too many of us are stuck in stage 2 or barely even started at all. Find them. Help them. Teach them. We will never know how deep the roots of our influence will reach, so share love at all times.
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness is never decreased by being shared.” – Buddhist proverb
This is October. We have both National Coming Out Day and Halloween to observe. Take a moment to reflect upon the various stages of the coming out process. Be aware of the characters you become once in costumes for Halloween and acknowledge the masks you wear or once wore. Use them as a reminder of how far you have developed. Use the rest of your life be introspective; only you can be you. There is no shame in knowledge. I will conclude with a thought from Nelson Mandela: “As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
Happy National Coming Out Day.
Happy Halloween.
Live honestly so you may honestly live.
Delaware GLU.
coming out,
National Coming Out Day,
Monday, October 3, 2011
October so far....
6: DE Humanities Forum presents Dr. Mark Jordan: A discussion of same-sex marriage (First & Central Church, Wilmington)
7: Wilmington Art Loop, Blue Moon 30th Anniversary and Drag show (Rehoboth)
8: GLOW Community Picnic/Potluck (Newark), DE AIDs Walk (Rehoboth), Renaissance Meeting (Wilmington)
9: Bitch'n Brunch (Newark)
12: DE Pride community Meeting (Wilmington)
13: PFLAG meeting (Wilmington)
14: Art is Social (DE Art Museum, Wilmington)
15: DE AIDs Walk (Dover), Bingo a GoGo (Milford), Pride Bowling (New Castle)
16: LGBT Dining Out Group at Brio (Christiana Mall, Newark)
17: Pride Poker at Club 3 (Wilmington)
19: Amateur Drag Show (Mojo 13, Wilmington)
20: Our Night Out at Celebrations (Wilmington)
22: Rigby's Anniversary Drag Show (Rehoboth)
23: Rainbow Chorale at Hanover Presbyterian Church (Wilmington) , Civil Union Expo (Newark)
25: DE Pride volunteers at the DE Food Bank
26: Rainbow Chorale Benefit at Big Fish (Wilmington)
28: UD Haven Drag show (Newark), Our Night Out Costume Party at Toscana (Wilmington)
29: Rainbow Chorale Halloween Dance/Fundraiser
30: Bingo a Go Go (Wilmington), Anita's Angels Drag Show (Blue Parrot, Wilmington)
31: Happy Halloween
Notice: Every Sunday evening, UD Haven meetings are at 6:30 in Trabant room 211
Also: Every Wednesday, Club 3 (Wilmington) hosts an LGBT dance party.
6: DE Humanities Forum presents Dr. Mark Jordan: A discussion of same-sex marriage (First & Central Church, Wilmington)
7: Wilmington Art Loop, Blue Moon 30th Anniversary and Drag show (Rehoboth)
8: GLOW Community Picnic/Potluck (Newark), DE AIDs Walk (Rehoboth), Renaissance Meeting (Wilmington)
9: Bitch'n Brunch (Newark)
12: DE Pride community Meeting (Wilmington)
13: PFLAG meeting (Wilmington)
14: Art is Social (DE Art Museum, Wilmington)
15: DE AIDs Walk (Dover), Bingo a GoGo (Milford), Pride Bowling (New Castle)
16: LGBT Dining Out Group at Brio (Christiana Mall, Newark)
17: Pride Poker at Club 3 (Wilmington)
19: Amateur Drag Show (Mojo 13, Wilmington)
20: Our Night Out at Celebrations (Wilmington)
22: Rigby's Anniversary Drag Show (Rehoboth)
23: Rainbow Chorale at Hanover Presbyterian Church (Wilmington) , Civil Union Expo (Newark)
25: DE Pride volunteers at the DE Food Bank
26: Rainbow Chorale Benefit at Big Fish (Wilmington)
28: UD Haven Drag show (Newark), Our Night Out Costume Party at Toscana (Wilmington)
29: Rainbow Chorale Halloween Dance/Fundraiser
30: Bingo a Go Go (Wilmington), Anita's Angels Drag Show (Blue Parrot, Wilmington)
31: Happy Halloween
Notice: Every Sunday evening, UD Haven meetings are at 6:30 in Trabant room 211
Also: Every Wednesday, Club 3 (Wilmington) hosts an LGBT dance party.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tasty Tuesday
BROWNIES....from scratch
1/2 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup confectioners' sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
1/2 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup confectioners' sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
September so far...
September is going to be a busy month....
so I wanted to post up as much of the month as I have to keep you in the know.
Note that individual event details will be explained later, for now this is an outline overview.
Some things could be subject to change, hopefully not. :-)
3: SunDance Auction (Rehoboth)
4: SunDance (Rehoboth), PFLAG Meeting (Rehoboth)
7: Amateur Drag Show (Wilmington), DE Pride Festival Volunteer's Info meeting (Wilmington)
8: PFLAG meeting (Wilmington) OUTflix (Newark)
9: OUTflix (Newark), Art Loop (Wilmington)
10: Renaissance meeting (Wilmington), OUTflix (Newark), Brandywine Arts Festival (Wilmington)
11: OUTflix (Newark), Brandywine Arts Festival (Wilmington)
12: Rainbow Chorale auditions (Wilmington)
14: Delaware Pride meeting (Wilmington)
15: Our Night Out (Wilmington), OUTflix (Wilmington)
16: DE Pride Volunteer's Informational meeting (Rehoboth), CampOut (Rehoboth)
17: Delaware Pride Festival (Rehoboth), Lipstick & Lashes (Blades, DE)
18: OUTflix (Wilmington)
19: Rainbow Chorale auditions (Wilmington)
22: A Taste of Trolley Square competition (Wilmington)
24: The Pink Loop, a breast cancer awareness event (Wilmington)
25: Miss Gay Wilmington Pageant (Wilmington)
27: Food Bank of Delaware volunteering (Newark)
28: Fierce Drag Wednesday (Wilmington)
October 1: AIDS Delaware Walk (Wilmington)
so I wanted to post up as much of the month as I have to keep you in the know.
Note that individual event details will be explained later, for now this is an outline overview.
Some things could be subject to change, hopefully not. :-)
3: SunDance Auction (Rehoboth)
4: SunDance (Rehoboth), PFLAG Meeting (Rehoboth)
7: Amateur Drag Show (Wilmington), DE Pride Festival Volunteer's Info meeting (Wilmington)
8: PFLAG meeting (Wilmington) OUTflix (Newark)
9: OUTflix (Newark), Art Loop (Wilmington)
10: Renaissance meeting (Wilmington), OUTflix (Newark), Brandywine Arts Festival (Wilmington)
11: OUTflix (Newark), Brandywine Arts Festival (Wilmington)
12: Rainbow Chorale auditions (Wilmington)
14: Delaware Pride meeting (Wilmington)
15: Our Night Out (Wilmington), OUTflix (Wilmington)
16: DE Pride Volunteer's Informational meeting (Rehoboth), CampOut (Rehoboth)
17: Delaware Pride Festival (Rehoboth), Lipstick & Lashes (Blades, DE)
18: OUTflix (Wilmington)
19: Rainbow Chorale auditions (Wilmington)
22: A Taste of Trolley Square competition (Wilmington)
24: The Pink Loop, a breast cancer awareness event (Wilmington)
25: Miss Gay Wilmington Pageant (Wilmington)
27: Food Bank of Delaware volunteering (Newark)
28: Fierce Drag Wednesday (Wilmington)
October 1: AIDS Delaware Walk (Wilmington)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
What is Gaypon?
If you're familiar with Groupon,
this was only a matter of time:
(No tampon jokes allowed.)
this was only a matter of time:
(No tampon jokes allowed.)
SUNDANCE: This Saturday
The Sundance Auction — Sept. 3
The first night of Sundance is the Sundance Live and Silent Auction. With over 500 items, it always has something for every taste and budget.
For the second year in a row, auctioneer Lorne Crawford will bring his skills to the stage at Sundance, and keep the Live Auction exciting and fun. “He’s amazing!” says CAMP Rehoboth Executive Director Steve Elkins, “When he walked into our lives last year, it was a huge gift. Wow, we thought, this man really knows what he’s doing!”
The Auction night includes an open bar and a fabulous buffet, this year featuring the food of five fantastic area restaurants: Henlopen City Oyster House, JAM Bistro, Primo Hoagies, Hobos, and Café Azafran.
Sundance Team Captain Jane Blue has worked hard to make the food at Sundance a special treat this year. “I loved working with the restaurants,” she says. “They’re really developing a menu with variety—something for everyone,” she adds.
Though most of the fantastic items in the auction will be a part of the Sundance Silent Auction, a variety of the best will be featured in the Live Auction, including: Art by Sondra N. Arkin, Ward Ellinger, and Bill Snow; the cover of Letters from CAMP Rehoboth with a studio shot by Carolyn Watson Photography; a week at a fantastic villa in Costa Rica; a flat screen TV from Overture; an incredible Civil Union Package that includes everything you need for a perfect Civil Union ceremony and party; a full page, full color, one year ad in Letters; jewelry; and much more.
“Setting up for Sundance is like moving into a new home,” says Sundance Graphics Team Captain Mary Beth Ramsey. “We set up a full graphics studio to handle all the display boards and signage for the auction. It’s amazing!”
Sundance Co-chair Natalie Moss adds, “and we couldn’t do it without all our volunteers—especially the ones doing the behind the scenes calling and auction item pick-up.”
The Sundance Live and Silent Auction is Saturday, September 3, from 7-10 p.m. and includes an open bar and a cocktail buffet. Tickets are $45 (or $80 for both nights of Sundance) and are available at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620), or on the CAMP Rehoboth website.
Sundance 2011: The Wonderful, Glorious, Amazing Light of the Watercolor Rainbow
To benefit the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center
Labor Day Weekend in Rehoboth Beach
Sundance 2011 is a two night event at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center, 229 Rehoboth Avenue
The second night of Sundance is the dance. The "wonderful, glorious, amazing" party begins at 8 pm with dancing until 2 am. Open Bar all night.
Music: Mark Thomas Lights: Paul Turner
Sundance 2011 tickets are $80 for both events or $45 for one event, available in advance on our website or at CAMP Rehoboth 302-227-5620. Cash, check, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted.
The first night of Sundance is the Sundance Live and Silent Auction. With over 500 items, it always has something for every taste and budget.
For the second year in a row, auctioneer Lorne Crawford will bring his skills to the stage at Sundance, and keep the Live Auction exciting and fun. “He’s amazing!” says CAMP Rehoboth Executive Director Steve Elkins, “When he walked into our lives last year, it was a huge gift. Wow, we thought, this man really knows what he’s doing!”
The Auction night includes an open bar and a fabulous buffet, this year featuring the food of five fantastic area restaurants: Henlopen City Oyster House, JAM Bistro, Primo Hoagies, Hobos, and Café Azafran.
Sundance Team Captain Jane Blue has worked hard to make the food at Sundance a special treat this year. “I loved working with the restaurants,” she says. “They’re really developing a menu with variety—something for everyone,” she adds.
Though most of the fantastic items in the auction will be a part of the Sundance Silent Auction, a variety of the best will be featured in the Live Auction, including: Art by Sondra N. Arkin, Ward Ellinger, and Bill Snow; the cover of Letters from CAMP Rehoboth with a studio shot by Carolyn Watson Photography; a week at a fantastic villa in Costa Rica; a flat screen TV from Overture; an incredible Civil Union Package that includes everything you need for a perfect Civil Union ceremony and party; a full page, full color, one year ad in Letters; jewelry; and much more.
“Setting up for Sundance is like moving into a new home,” says Sundance Graphics Team Captain Mary Beth Ramsey. “We set up a full graphics studio to handle all the display boards and signage for the auction. It’s amazing!”
Sundance Co-chair Natalie Moss adds, “and we couldn’t do it without all our volunteers—especially the ones doing the behind the scenes calling and auction item pick-up.”
The Sundance Live and Silent Auction is Saturday, September 3, from 7-10 p.m. and includes an open bar and a cocktail buffet. Tickets are $45 (or $80 for both nights of Sundance) and are available at CAMP Rehoboth (302-227-5620), or on the CAMP Rehoboth website.
Sundance 2011: The Wonderful, Glorious, Amazing Light of the Watercolor Rainbow
To benefit the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center
Labor Day Weekend in Rehoboth Beach
Sundance 2011 is a two night event at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center, 229 Rehoboth Avenue
The second night of Sundance is the dance. The "wonderful, glorious, amazing" party begins at 8 pm with dancing until 2 am. Open Bar all night.
Music: Mark Thomas Lights: Paul Turner
Sundance 2011 tickets are $80 for both events or $45 for one event, available in advance on our website or at CAMP Rehoboth 302-227-5620. Cash, check, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tasty Tuesday
Steak marinated in Soy, Ginger and Lime with Red Onion Toasts
Jonathan Waxman, "Great American Cook: Recipes from the Kitchen of One of Our Most Influential Chefs"
This recipe is my take on fast food. Skirt steak comes from the flank, or diaphragm, of the cow. It was sold cheaply for years because few people were aware of its tenderness and deep flavor. Now, thanks to the ubiquity of fajitas, which popularized this cut, skirt steak has become pricier, but it has no surface fat or bone, so nothing is wasted. Because it’s so thin, the steak can be on the table in less than 10 minutes. The marinade brings out the assertive beefy flavors.
2 pounds skirt or hanger steak
1 2-inch piece fresh ginger
1 lime
1⁄4 cup soy sauce
3 garlic cloves
1 cup dry red wine
3 shallots
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 red onion
4 slices sourdough bread
Pat the steak dry with paper towels and place it in a nonreactive baking pan.
Peel and grate the ginger. Juice the lime. In a small bowl, mix the ginger with the lime juice and soy sauce. Smash 2 of the garlic cloves and add them to the marinade. Pour the mixture over the steak, cover, and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Remove the steak from the marinade and place on a platter. Discard the garlic and ginger and reserve the marinade.
Bring the red wine to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Chop the shallots and add them to the wine. Boil to reduce the wine to 1/4 cup. Stir in the butter and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the broiler. Slice the onion into 1/4-inch-thick rounds and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with the reserved marinade and broil the onion until tender and dark brown, about 10 minutes; be careful not to burn it. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Leave the broiler on.
Place the steak on the broiler pan and broil, turning once, just until medium-rare, about 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a cutting board and cover loosely to keep warm.
Toast the bread on both sides under the broiler.
Meanwhile, reheat the sauce over low heat. Split the remaining garlic clove in half and rub the slices of toast with the garlic. Place a slice of toast on each plate. Divide the onion among the toasts. Slice the steak and place on the plates. Top the steak with the red wine sauce and serve.
Serving Size
4 servings
Jonathan Waxman, "Great American Cook: Recipes from the Kitchen of One of Our Most Influential Chefs"
This recipe is my take on fast food. Skirt steak comes from the flank, or diaphragm, of the cow. It was sold cheaply for years because few people were aware of its tenderness and deep flavor. Now, thanks to the ubiquity of fajitas, which popularized this cut, skirt steak has become pricier, but it has no surface fat or bone, so nothing is wasted. Because it’s so thin, the steak can be on the table in less than 10 minutes. The marinade brings out the assertive beefy flavors.
2 pounds skirt or hanger steak
1 2-inch piece fresh ginger
1 lime
1⁄4 cup soy sauce
3 garlic cloves
1 cup dry red wine
3 shallots
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 red onion
4 slices sourdough bread
Pat the steak dry with paper towels and place it in a nonreactive baking pan.
Peel and grate the ginger. Juice the lime. In a small bowl, mix the ginger with the lime juice and soy sauce. Smash 2 of the garlic cloves and add them to the marinade. Pour the mixture over the steak, cover, and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Remove the steak from the marinade and place on a platter. Discard the garlic and ginger and reserve the marinade.
Bring the red wine to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Chop the shallots and add them to the wine. Boil to reduce the wine to 1/4 cup. Stir in the butter and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the broiler. Slice the onion into 1/4-inch-thick rounds and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with the reserved marinade and broil the onion until tender and dark brown, about 10 minutes; be careful not to burn it. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Leave the broiler on.
Place the steak on the broiler pan and broil, turning once, just until medium-rare, about 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a cutting board and cover loosely to keep warm.
Toast the bread on both sides under the broiler.
Meanwhile, reheat the sauce over low heat. Split the remaining garlic clove in half and rub the slices of toast with the garlic. Place a slice of toast on each plate. Divide the onion among the toasts. Slice the steak and place on the plates. Top the steak with the red wine sauce and serve.
Serving Size
4 servings
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tasty Tuesday: Pesto
Currently, our basil is huge and nearly overgrown.
Make this a Tasty Tuesday with a few pesto recipes for all that "extra" basil!!
Cooking Channel: Pesto
Monday, August 22, 2011
"Don't Quit"
Don't Quit
a poem by Gerard Haughey
When things go wrong,
As they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging
Seems all uphill.
When the funds are low,
And the debts are high,
And you want to smile,
But you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick in the fight when you're hardest hit.
It's when things seem worse
That you must not quit.
a poem by Gerard Haughey
When things go wrong,
As they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging
Seems all uphill.
When the funds are low,
And the debts are high,
And you want to smile,
But you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick in the fight when you're hardest hit.
It's when things seem worse
That you must not quit.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday Reflection
"For to be free is not to merely cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." -- Nelson Mandela
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What is Wisdom?
Why might the search for Wisdom trump the search for Happiness?
(Published on July 19, 2011 by Michael W. Austin in "Ethics for Everyone")
In our search for happiness, we often forget a crucial element. This forgotten element is the virtue of wisdom. This is not a trait we discuss much, perhaps because we are skeptical that there is such a thing as true wisdom. However, I believe that wisdom is a genuine virtue worth pursuing. If we think of happiness not as merely getting what we want, but rather as being a certain sort of person, then we must pursue wisdom.
But what is wisdom?
First, the wise person has good understanding and possesses a good dose of common sense. She knows and understands some of the deeper truths about life. For example, she is able to apply an understanding of the connections between virtue and happiness to her everyday life of relationships, finances, and the use of her time.
Second, the wise person is able to discern right and wrong. Wisdom, that is, includes the ability to make sound moral judgments. In our world, people give up wisdom to get power, pleasure, fame, and wealth (if you doubt this, watch almost any reality television show!). The better course of action, however, is to give up these things to get wisdom, if need be.
Third, a wise person is curious. She has a sincere desire to understand. Young children display this as they incessantly ask "Why?" At some point, our thirst for understanding leaves us, perhaps because of how we are educated. At any rate, the wise person recaptures this thirst.
Fourth, a wise person is versatile. She has an active interest in many different subjects, rather than a narrow focus on one or two topics. Malcolm X was an example of this. When he was imprisoned, he decided to use his time to learn. His lack of education was a barrier, but rather than giving up he worked hard to overcome it by reading the dictionary from A to Z! He then read all of the books in the prison library on a wide variety of subjects, including history, science, literature, philosophy, psychology, and theology. He subsequently became a leader in the Civil Rights movement and lectured at Ivy League universities.
Finally, the wise person is a good critical thinker. She has and exercises the capacity to tell truth from falsehood by identifying flaws in reasoning, good arguments from bad ones, and by continually asking "Why believe that?" By identifying assumptions behind arguments and perspectives, she is able to evaluate her beliefs and the beliefs of others in her quest for truth. And in the search for true happiness, for deep inner fulfillment and harmony, the knowledge and application of truth to life is essential.
(Published on July 19, 2011 by Michael W. Austin in "Ethics for Everyone")
In our search for happiness, we often forget a crucial element. This forgotten element is the virtue of wisdom. This is not a trait we discuss much, perhaps because we are skeptical that there is such a thing as true wisdom. However, I believe that wisdom is a genuine virtue worth pursuing. If we think of happiness not as merely getting what we want, but rather as being a certain sort of person, then we must pursue wisdom.
But what is wisdom?
First, the wise person has good understanding and possesses a good dose of common sense. She knows and understands some of the deeper truths about life. For example, she is able to apply an understanding of the connections between virtue and happiness to her everyday life of relationships, finances, and the use of her time.
Second, the wise person is able to discern right and wrong. Wisdom, that is, includes the ability to make sound moral judgments. In our world, people give up wisdom to get power, pleasure, fame, and wealth (if you doubt this, watch almost any reality television show!). The better course of action, however, is to give up these things to get wisdom, if need be.
Third, a wise person is curious. She has a sincere desire to understand. Young children display this as they incessantly ask "Why?" At some point, our thirst for understanding leaves us, perhaps because of how we are educated. At any rate, the wise person recaptures this thirst.
Fourth, a wise person is versatile. She has an active interest in many different subjects, rather than a narrow focus on one or two topics. Malcolm X was an example of this. When he was imprisoned, he decided to use his time to learn. His lack of education was a barrier, but rather than giving up he worked hard to overcome it by reading the dictionary from A to Z! He then read all of the books in the prison library on a wide variety of subjects, including history, science, literature, philosophy, psychology, and theology. He subsequently became a leader in the Civil Rights movement and lectured at Ivy League universities.
Finally, the wise person is a good critical thinker. She has and exercises the capacity to tell truth from falsehood by identifying flaws in reasoning, good arguments from bad ones, and by continually asking "Why believe that?" By identifying assumptions behind arguments and perspectives, she is able to evaluate her beliefs and the beliefs of others in her quest for truth. And in the search for true happiness, for deep inner fulfillment and harmony, the knowledge and application of truth to life is essential.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Techno Thursday
Cool Site of the Day
This site is a ton of fun. Plenty of entertainment, plenty of inspiration!
Hopefully this will make up for the fact that I forgot about the past 3 days worth of entries!
This site is a ton of fun. Plenty of entertainment, plenty of inspiration!
Hopefully this will make up for the fact that I forgot about the past 3 days worth of entries!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
LGBT Community Picnic (with Kickball) July 16
Dear Friends,
Saturday July 16th will be the first LGBT Community Fun Day.
Brandywine Springs Park
3300 Faulkland Road
Wilmington, DE
11:00am - 5:00pm
If you are among the LGBT community or know anyone who is,
please understand that this event was designed specifically for you.
* There will be kickball and other games...
(if you have a game or sports equipment you'd like to contribute, please do)
* We will even encourage a friendly kickball tournament among those willing to play.
If you haven't already, please try to organize your own 9 person kickball team before arriving, it will help the tournament to develop sooner. Pre-chosen team names and/or themes would be fantastic too!
* There will be sodas and hot dogs.
* Your friends will be there and new friends will be there!
**** However, it is the PARK's rules that no alcohol will be present. If you feel inclined to drink, meet your new friends afterward... but don't let that hinder your participation.
This event was organized by GLOW. GLOW is a new group in New Castle Co. formed to become a new landmark for the LGBT community of Delaware. GLOW represents "Gay, Lesbian, Other, Whatever" quite possibly the most all-encompassing acronym, which is why we loved it.
If you are familiar with AIDs Delaware, CAMP Rehoboth, COLAGE, Delaware Bears, Delaware Pride, Equality Delaware, GLU, Haven, PFLAG, Rainbow Chorale, or Renaissance.... We encourage you to motivate yourself to come and see what all the fuss is about. (Yes, every group was named to both inform and pique your interest further)
Saturday July 16th 11:00am - 5:00pm
Brandywine Springs Park
3300 Faulkland Road
Wilmington, DE
We will see you there!
Saturday July 16th will be the first LGBT Community Fun Day.
Brandywine Springs Park
3300 Faulkland Road
Wilmington, DE
11:00am - 5:00pm
If you are among the LGBT community or know anyone who is,
please understand that this event was designed specifically for you.
* There will be kickball and other games...
(if you have a game or sports equipment you'd like to contribute, please do)
* We will even encourage a friendly kickball tournament among those willing to play.
If you haven't already, please try to organize your own 9 person kickball team before arriving, it will help the tournament to develop sooner. Pre-chosen team names and/or themes would be fantastic too!
* There will be sodas and hot dogs.
* Your friends will be there and new friends will be there!
**** However, it is the PARK's rules that no alcohol will be present. If you feel inclined to drink, meet your new friends afterward... but don't let that hinder your participation.
This event was organized by GLOW. GLOW is a new group in New Castle Co. formed to become a new landmark for the LGBT community of Delaware. GLOW represents "Gay, Lesbian, Other, Whatever" quite possibly the most all-encompassing acronym, which is why we loved it.
If you are familiar with AIDs Delaware, CAMP Rehoboth, COLAGE, Delaware Bears, Delaware Pride, Equality Delaware, GLU, Haven, PFLAG, Rainbow Chorale, or Renaissance.... We encourage you to motivate yourself to come and see what all the fuss is about. (Yes, every group was named to both inform and pique your interest further)
Saturday July 16th 11:00am - 5:00pm
Brandywine Springs Park
3300 Faulkland Road
Wilmington, DE
We will see you there!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Saturdays at Home: Toilet Brick
So, next time you hear someone proclaim they're going to drop a brick in their toilet, congratulate them. Why? The old folk wisdom that says place a brick in your toilet's water tank is partially correct: It's an effortless way to save water, but a brick isn't the best choice of object. Use a plastic bottle filled with water instead.
Don't worry, you don't have to turn hippie and "let it mellow if it's yellow" in order to save clean water — which is an increasingly scarce resource. Most toilets will flush perfectly well with a little less H2O. The average model uses three to seven gallons per flush. A bottle in the tank will displace enough water to save half a gallon to a gallon each use, or up to about 10 gallons a day in a typical home.
All you have to do is drop a little sand or some pebbles into a bottle, fill it with water, and put it in the tank, making sure not to disturb the toilet's working parts.
What's wrong with a brick? They have been known to disintegrate in toilet water over time, leading to damaged plumbing. If you are a mason or otherwise determined to use a brick, wrap it in a sturdy plastic bag first. Interestingly, some utilities in Europe give away special sachets, called Save-A-Flush, which were specifically designed to displace water in toilet tanks.
For a little more effort, use old jelly jars.... barely any effort....
This literally could not be easier. Fill jars with water. Set jar in tank. Forget about it forever. The only catch is to make sure the labels are off the jars. You don't want them to come off and float around in the tank -- they might interfere with the flushing mechanism.
Two cups of water per flush and I'd say we're now averaging eight flushes per day. So 8 x 2 = 16 cups per day, or one gallon. In one week, that's seven gallons of water. In a year, 365 gallons saved! That shaves another percentage point off my riot numbers! Woo!
Don't worry, you don't have to turn hippie and "let it mellow if it's yellow" in order to save clean water — which is an increasingly scarce resource. Most toilets will flush perfectly well with a little less H2O. The average model uses three to seven gallons per flush. A bottle in the tank will displace enough water to save half a gallon to a gallon each use, or up to about 10 gallons a day in a typical home.
All you have to do is drop a little sand or some pebbles into a bottle, fill it with water, and put it in the tank, making sure not to disturb the toilet's working parts.
What's wrong with a brick? They have been known to disintegrate in toilet water over time, leading to damaged plumbing. If you are a mason or otherwise determined to use a brick, wrap it in a sturdy plastic bag first. Interestingly, some utilities in Europe give away special sachets, called Save-A-Flush, which were specifically designed to displace water in toilet tanks.
For a little more effort, use old jelly jars.... barely any effort....
This literally could not be easier. Fill jars with water. Set jar in tank. Forget about it forever. The only catch is to make sure the labels are off the jars. You don't want them to come off and float around in the tank -- they might interfere with the flushing mechanism.
Two cups of water per flush and I'd say we're now averaging eight flushes per day. So 8 x 2 = 16 cups per day, or one gallon. In one week, that's seven gallons of water. In a year, 365 gallons saved! That shaves another percentage point off my riot numbers! Woo!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday's Woman: Storm Large
Isn't she lovely? That voice alone... Yes, please!
One more because she's so delicious...
One more because she's so delicious...
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Oops, I did it again!
For the past few days, I've been processing a psychological principle which I first learned about in college. Unfortunately, there is only so much information you can take in before you reach satiation, consequentially one forgets things from college. Recently in traffic, I experienced an incident that reminded me of this psychological phenomenon, for which we are all guilty; so I'd like to take this moment to highlight it and explain ways to overcome it. This principle is known as the Fundamental Attribution Error.
The Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)
[copied from Wikipedia]
"In social psychology, the fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect) describes the tendency to over-value dispositions or personality-based explanations for the observed behaviors of others while under-valuing situational explanations for those behaviors. The fundamental attribution error is most visible when people explain the behavior of others. It does not explain interpretations of one's own behavior—where situational factors are often taken into consideration. This discrepancy is called the actor–observer bias."
WTF does that mean?
In short: The FAE is an erroneous conclusion people make about others' personalities based on their behavior in certain situations.
Example: "She tripped on the stairs, she must be stupid."
Example: "Hey, that guy swerved in front of me in traffic, therefore I know he is an asshole."
The FAE is declared an "error" because we as humans make this assumption as an accusation to the individual rather than the situation. However, if "tables were turned" and the same situation happens to us personally, we attribute our behavior to the situation rather than ourselves innately.
How do we allow this to happen?
There are 3 primary reasons we commit the FAE, I will try and use simplified terms because I know this might seem complex or verbose.
1: "Karma/ Religion" For those of us who believe in Karma, or any other supernatural forces of right/wrong, we will acknowledge various situations, then assume a person is good/bad based simply on those events that happened to them. This is particularly true when we feel inclined to blame the victim. To explain an example: When we see someone get injured, often we might conclude they're a bad person as if to say we are conscious that "the Universe" knows they're a bad person and is imposing justice onto them. I'm not here to make any statements for or against religiosity, but consider Pastor John Hagee's belief as an example: "I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came." To some, this notion might seem silly. But how many of us have made such a conclusion? We may not think as extremely as Pastor Hagee, probably because we acknowledge that Nature and such situations happen out of their own accord. Fortunately, this is why the FAE is still understood to be an error; we have the knowledge to overcome this conclusion. This is true when we accept that people as a whole are innately good.
2: "Overlooking the Circumstances" This point will feel like a reiteration of the primary definition. This point occurs when we make the conscious decision to ignore situational factors acting upon people and instead we focus on the individuals themselves as the only resource for their behavior. Once again, I will use the example earlier of someone who suddenly swerves in traffic. We understand the rules of the road. We understand the etiquette involved with driving. Also, in most cases, we cannot see most other drivers. Therefore when someone acts out-of-line to these rules, we will make a snap judgement about them. However, point #2 here states that we will ignore that the individual might be lost, injured, or late; but rather assume then conclude they are instead stupid, rude, or cruel. Those of us who commit this might need to reconsider forgiveness.
3: "Lazy/ Overwhelmed" OK, so now you've been educated on 2 of the causes of the FAE so far. Let's just say you have made the decision to change for the better. So you walk out the door and head to the Mall. You get in the car, and "some girl" cuts you off at the first stoplight! Instead of considering her to be a bitch, you allow her to be a kind person and simply tell yourself she was being inattentive. It was an unfortunate situation, but at least now you know she's not innately a bitch but rather was having a bad moment. Congrats, you just managed to overcome feelings of the FAE. Now you're in traffic on I-95. Look at all those people around you in traffic; some of them are swerving! Look at all those people in the mall parking lot; someone just took 'your' parking spot! Look at all those people in the mall; someone is talking so loud on their cell. Point #3 is about the fact that there are too many situations that exist for us to monitor each one. We either become overwhelmed or once again lazily revert to our formerly presumptuous self. This merely becomes an excuse, the FAE can indeed become diminished once we are aware of our faults. The occasional reminder might be necessary and that's OK. We all make mistakes.
In conclusion, the Fundamental Attribution Error is, as its name implies, an error. It is a mistake we make simply because we are human. But we as people have the knowledge to embrace this error and reduce our personal habits of criticism. If you must judge someone, at least give them the benefit of the doubt. Start with discernment, then with forgiveness, and finally with love. Consider Jane Goodall's words as you go: "The greatest danger to our future is apathy."
The Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)
[copied from Wikipedia]
"In social psychology, the fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect) describes the tendency to over-value dispositions or personality-based explanations for the observed behaviors of others while under-valuing situational explanations for those behaviors. The fundamental attribution error is most visible when people explain the behavior of others. It does not explain interpretations of one's own behavior—where situational factors are often taken into consideration. This discrepancy is called the actor–observer bias."
WTF does that mean?
In short: The FAE is an erroneous conclusion people make about others' personalities based on their behavior in certain situations.
Example: "She tripped on the stairs, she must be stupid."
Example: "Hey, that guy swerved in front of me in traffic, therefore I know he is an asshole."
The FAE is declared an "error" because we as humans make this assumption as an accusation to the individual rather than the situation. However, if "tables were turned" and the same situation happens to us personally, we attribute our behavior to the situation rather than ourselves innately.
How do we allow this to happen?
There are 3 primary reasons we commit the FAE, I will try and use simplified terms because I know this might seem complex or verbose.
1: "Karma/ Religion" For those of us who believe in Karma, or any other supernatural forces of right/wrong, we will acknowledge various situations, then assume a person is good/bad based simply on those events that happened to them. This is particularly true when we feel inclined to blame the victim. To explain an example: When we see someone get injured, often we might conclude they're a bad person as if to say we are conscious that "the Universe" knows they're a bad person and is imposing justice onto them. I'm not here to make any statements for or against religiosity, but consider Pastor John Hagee's belief as an example: "I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came." To some, this notion might seem silly. But how many of us have made such a conclusion? We may not think as extremely as Pastor Hagee, probably because we acknowledge that Nature and such situations happen out of their own accord. Fortunately, this is why the FAE is still understood to be an error; we have the knowledge to overcome this conclusion. This is true when we accept that people as a whole are innately good.
2: "Overlooking the Circumstances" This point will feel like a reiteration of the primary definition. This point occurs when we make the conscious decision to ignore situational factors acting upon people and instead we focus on the individuals themselves as the only resource for their behavior. Once again, I will use the example earlier of someone who suddenly swerves in traffic. We understand the rules of the road. We understand the etiquette involved with driving. Also, in most cases, we cannot see most other drivers. Therefore when someone acts out-of-line to these rules, we will make a snap judgement about them. However, point #2 here states that we will ignore that the individual might be lost, injured, or late; but rather assume then conclude they are instead stupid, rude, or cruel. Those of us who commit this might need to reconsider forgiveness.
3: "Lazy/ Overwhelmed" OK, so now you've been educated on 2 of the causes of the FAE so far. Let's just say you have made the decision to change for the better. So you walk out the door and head to the Mall. You get in the car, and "some girl" cuts you off at the first stoplight! Instead of considering her to be a bitch, you allow her to be a kind person and simply tell yourself she was being inattentive. It was an unfortunate situation, but at least now you know she's not innately a bitch but rather was having a bad moment. Congrats, you just managed to overcome feelings of the FAE. Now you're in traffic on I-95. Look at all those people around you in traffic; some of them are swerving! Look at all those people in the mall parking lot; someone just took 'your' parking spot! Look at all those people in the mall; someone is talking so loud on their cell. Point #3 is about the fact that there are too many situations that exist for us to monitor each one. We either become overwhelmed or once again lazily revert to our formerly presumptuous self. This merely becomes an excuse, the FAE can indeed become diminished once we are aware of our faults. The occasional reminder might be necessary and that's OK. We all make mistakes.
In conclusion, the Fundamental Attribution Error is, as its name implies, an error. It is a mistake we make simply because we are human. But we as people have the knowledge to embrace this error and reduce our personal habits of criticism. If you must judge someone, at least give them the benefit of the doubt. Start with discernment, then with forgiveness, and finally with love. Consider Jane Goodall's words as you go: "The greatest danger to our future is apathy."
Explaining Trans-life
Understanding the 'T' in LGBT
"Much of the persecution transgender people face stems from ignorance and fear. I will be the first to admit that I didn't always understand or appreciate the transgender community. It was only after meeting community members and reading more about their struggles that I started to gain a better appreciation of the challenges so many transgender people face in this country. " -- Psychology Today
"Much of the persecution transgender people face stems from ignorance and fear. I will be the first to admit that I didn't always understand or appreciate the transgender community. It was only after meeting community members and reading more about their struggles that I started to gain a better appreciation of the challenges so many transgender people face in this country. " -- Psychology Today
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tasty Tuesday
A special acknowledgment for the openly out Iron Chef Cat Cora for this recipe:
Grilled Watermelon with Prawns
2 cups water
1 cup granulated sugar
2 red bell peppers, cored, seeded, and chopped
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 cilantro sprigs, chopped
1 pound (16 to 20 count) prawns, peeled and deveined, with the tail left on
1/4 cup olive oil
2 limes, halved
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 small seedless watermelon, sliced into 1/4-inch wedges, rind on
Unsweetened coconut, toasted for garnish
1 scallion, sliced for garnish
Preheat the grill.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the water and the sugar. Cook over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Pour 1 cup of the syrup into a small bowl and set aside.
To the remaining syrup, add the red pepper, jalapenos, garlic, and cilantro and simmer on medium heat for 30 minutes, or until thickened and marmalade-like.
In the meantime, toss the prawns in a bowl with half of the olive oil, juice of 1 lime, cayenne, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Place on the hot grill and grill each side until cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes. Set aside.
Place the watermelon on a plate and brush each side with the reserved sugar syrup and the remaining olive oil. Place on the grill and cook on both sides, about 2 minutes.
Once the red pepper marmalade is thickened, place watermelon on the plate with prawns on top. Squeeze the remaining lime over it and spoon on the marmalade. Garnish with coconut and scallions.
Grilled Watermelon with Prawns
2 cups water
1 cup granulated sugar
2 red bell peppers, cored, seeded, and chopped
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 cilantro sprigs, chopped
1 pound (16 to 20 count) prawns, peeled and deveined, with the tail left on
1/4 cup olive oil
2 limes, halved
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 small seedless watermelon, sliced into 1/4-inch wedges, rind on
Unsweetened coconut, toasted for garnish
1 scallion, sliced for garnish
Preheat the grill.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the water and the sugar. Cook over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Pour 1 cup of the syrup into a small bowl and set aside.
To the remaining syrup, add the red pepper, jalapenos, garlic, and cilantro and simmer on medium heat for 30 minutes, or until thickened and marmalade-like.
In the meantime, toss the prawns in a bowl with half of the olive oil, juice of 1 lime, cayenne, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Place on the hot grill and grill each side until cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes. Set aside.
Place the watermelon on a plate and brush each side with the reserved sugar syrup and the remaining olive oil. Place on the grill and cook on both sides, about 2 minutes.
Once the red pepper marmalade is thickened, place watermelon on the plate with prawns on top. Squeeze the remaining lime over it and spoon on the marmalade. Garnish with coconut and scallions.
Pride Timeline
Contemporary Pride Timeline
The rights movement for gays, lesbians, bi and trans people has a long history that spans centuries and covers the globe. Here are just a few interesting points from contemporary times to represent the changes clseen in the last century. Stay tuned for more, including a timeline that stretches back millennia to the GLBT figures who marked their times.
2009 — Iceland elects the world's first openly-homosexual head of state, Johanna Siguroardottir.
2005 — André Boisclair is chosen leader of the Parti Québécois (Quebec, Canada), becoming the first openly homosexual man elected as the leader of a major political party in North America. The following year, the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights is held in Montreal, Quebec.
2001 — The Netherlands becomes the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. The following year, openly gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf.
1997 — South Africa becomes the first country to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in its constitution. In 1981, Norway was the first country in the world to enact a law to prevent discrimination against homosexuals.
1991 — The red ribbon is first used as a symbol of the campaign against HIV/AIDS.
1989 — Denmark becomes the first country in the world to enact registered partnership laws (like a civil union) for same-sex couples, with most of the same rights as marriage (excluding the right to adoption and the right to marriage in a church).
1988 — Sweden becomes the first country to pass laws protecting homosexuals regarding social services, taxes and inheritances.
1982 — The first Gay Games is held in San Francisco, attracting 1,600 participants.
1978 — The rainbow flag is first used as a symbol of homosexual pride
1977 — The province of Quebec (in Canada) becomes the first jurisdiction larger than a city or county in the world to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the public and private sectors. In 1982, Wisconsin becomes the first state in the U.S. to ban discrimination against homosexuals.
1973 — The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). The decision is based largely on the research and advocacy of psychologist Evelyn Hooker who, in 1957, published a study showing that homosexual men are as well adjusted as non-homosexual men.
1969 — The Stonewall riots occur in New York. Police try to raid and arrest gays and lesbians for solicitation at the mafia-run gay bar The Stonewall Inn, but butch lesbians and drag queens fight back, chanting "Gay Power!" which becomes the rallying cry at marches and parades in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. It took another 10 years before a homosexual rights march occurs in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital. However, these parades now take place annually all over the world, usually on the last Saturday in June.
1964 — The book "Homosexual Behavior Among Males" by Wainwright Churchill breaks ground as a scientific study approaching homosexuality as a fact of life and introduces the term “homoerotophobia," a possible precursor to "homophobia."
1957 — The word "transsexual" is coined by U.S. physician Harry Benjamin.
1952 — Christine Jorgensen becomes the first person to have sex reassignment surgery, in this case, male to female, creating a world-wide sensation. Twenty years later, in 1972, Sweden becomes the first country in the world to allow transsexuals to legally change their sex, with the government providing free hormone therapy.
1950 — The first sustained American homosexual group, the Mattachine Society, is founded in Los Angeles by Harry Hay. Over the years, the group does a number of actions in the fight for gay rights, including a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City to challenge a New York State Liquor Authority law prohibiting serving alcohol to gays. This event serves as a catalyst for additional gay clubs to open, namely the Stonewall Inn.
1945 — Upon liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces, those interned for homosexuality are not freed, but required to serve out the full term of their sentences under Paragraph 175, a provision of the German Criminal Code that made sexual acts between males illegal.
1941 — Transsexuality was first used in reference to homosexuality and bisexuality.
1933 — In Germany, the National Socialist German Workers Party bans homosexual groups and sends homosexuals to concentration camps where countless were killed along with Jews and other groups of people. Similar to Jews who are ordered to wear yellow star patched on their clothing so they are marked in public, homosexuals are forced to wear a pink triangle on their sleeve.
1927 — The Pansy Craze, a period in the late 1920s and early 1930s in which gay clubs and performers (known as pansy performers) experienced a surge in underground popularity in the United States, begins.
1926 — The New York Times is the first major publication to use the word homosexuality.
1920 — The word Gay is used for the first time in reference to homosexual in the underground.
1913 — The word faggot is first used in print in reference to gays in a vocabulary of criminal slang published in Portland, Oregon: "All the fagots [sic] (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight." Ten years later, the short form "fag" is first used in print in reference to gays in Nels Anderson's The Hobo: "Fairies or Fags are men or boys who exploit sex for profit."
1903 — In New York on February 21, 1903, New York police conducted the first United States recorded raid on a gay bathhouse, the Ariston Hotel Baths. 26 men were arrested and 12 brought to trial on sodomy charges; 7 men received sentences ranging from 4 to 20 years in prison.
Pre 20th Century Pride Timeline
1892 — The words "bisexual" and "heterosexual" are first used in their current senses in Charles Gilbert Chaddock's translation of Kraft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis.
1870 — Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania is published, possibly the first American novel about a homosexual relationship.
1869 — The term "homosexuality" appears in print for the first time in a German-Hungarian pamphlet written by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–1882).
1867 — On August 29, 1867, Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs became the first self-proclaimed homosexual to speak out publicly for homosexual rights when he pleaded at the Congress of German Jurists in Munich for a resolution urging the repeal of anti-homosexual laws.
1830 — The term "asexual" is used for the first time in biology.
1791 — The French Revolution occurs. The country adopts a new penal code that no longer criminalizes sodomy, making France the first west European country to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting adults. Prussia, Luxembourg, Tuscany and others follow suit. Then, in 1810, the Napoleonic code eliminates all penalties for sodomy throughout the European Empire. Brazil, Japan, Mexico and a long list of other countries around the world decriminalize homosexuality during the next 100 years. This list does not include England or America.
1785 — Jeremy Bentham becomes one of the first people to argue for the decriminalization of sodomy in England.
1649 — The first known conviction for lesbian activity in North America occurs. Sarah White Norman is charged with "lewd behavior each with other upon a bed" with Mary Vincent Hammon in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Hammon was under 16 and not prosecuted.
1540-1700 — More than 1,600 people are prosecuted for sodomy.
1476 — Leonardo Da Vinci is charged with sodomy. No verdict is rendered at his trial.
1327 — The deposed King Edward II of England dies allegedly by forcing a red-hot poker through his rectum. Edward II had a history of conflict with the nobility, who repeatedly banished his former lover Piers Gaveston, the Earl of Cornwall.
6th century - 17th century — Homosexuality becomes illegal throughout Europe, with punishments including castration, mutilation, hair shearing, amputation, being whipped or stoned, confiscation of property, banishment, fasting, excommunication and being burned alive. Mutilation and execution were also used as punishments for women caught in same-sex acts.
589 — Spain is converted to Catholicism, leading to laws being changed that allowed for the persecution of gays and Jews.
529 — Christian emperor Justinian I blames homosexuals for famines, earthquakes and pestilence.
— Emperor Constantine declares the Roman Empire as Christian. In 342, the first law against homosexual marriage was promulgated by the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans. Then in 390, Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be burned alive in front of the public. However, they continue to collect taxes on male prostitution.
1st Century BCE — The Roman Empire is a time in which art and literature depict homosexual love in a positive light. Like the Greeks, the Romans celebrated love and sex amongst men. The first recorded same-sex marriages occur during this period and homosexual prostitution was taxed. However, like the Greeks, passivity and effeminacy were not tolerated, and an adult male freeborn Roman could lose their citizen status if caught performing fellatio or being penetrated. For more than 200 years, various Roman Emperors marry men in legal, public ceremonies.
326 BCE — Gay/bisexual military leader Alexander the Great completes conquest of most of the then known Western world, converting millions of people to the gay-friendly Hellenistic culture and launching the Hellenistic Age.
385 BCE — Plato's Symposium is published. Plato argues that love between males is the highest form and that sex with women is lustful and only for means of reproduction. Only with men, can the Greek male reach their full intellectual potential. Thirty-five years later, Plato publishes Laws, in which he takes a drastically different approach than in Symposium. Here homosexuality is critiqued as being lustful and wrong for society because it does not further the species and may lead to irresponsible citizenry.
425-388 BCE — A series of satires published by Aristophanes ridicule the effeminate man, the transvestite, and adult males who enjoyed the passive sexual role. This provides evidence that although Greek culture was accepting of homosexuality, they did not accept effeminate males. Effeminacy in men was publicly ridiculed.
600 BCE — Sappho of Lesbos writes her famous love poems to young women, providing the eventual inspiration for the word lesbian. Much of Sappho's work was later destroyed by Christians.
The rights movement for gays, lesbians, bi and trans people has a long history that spans centuries and covers the globe. Here are just a few interesting points from contemporary times to represent the changes clseen in the last century. Stay tuned for more, including a timeline that stretches back millennia to the GLBT figures who marked their times.
2009 — Iceland elects the world's first openly-homosexual head of state, Johanna Siguroardottir.
2005 — André Boisclair is chosen leader of the Parti Québécois (Quebec, Canada), becoming the first openly homosexual man elected as the leader of a major political party in North America. The following year, the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights is held in Montreal, Quebec.
2001 — The Netherlands becomes the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. The following year, openly gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf.
1997 — South Africa becomes the first country to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in its constitution. In 1981, Norway was the first country in the world to enact a law to prevent discrimination against homosexuals.
1991 — The red ribbon is first used as a symbol of the campaign against HIV/AIDS.
1989 — Denmark becomes the first country in the world to enact registered partnership laws (like a civil union) for same-sex couples, with most of the same rights as marriage (excluding the right to adoption and the right to marriage in a church).
1988 — Sweden becomes the first country to pass laws protecting homosexuals regarding social services, taxes and inheritances.
1982 — The first Gay Games is held in San Francisco, attracting 1,600 participants.
1978 — The rainbow flag is first used as a symbol of homosexual pride
1977 — The province of Quebec (in Canada) becomes the first jurisdiction larger than a city or county in the world to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the public and private sectors. In 1982, Wisconsin becomes the first state in the U.S. to ban discrimination against homosexuals.
1973 — The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). The decision is based largely on the research and advocacy of psychologist Evelyn Hooker who, in 1957, published a study showing that homosexual men are as well adjusted as non-homosexual men.
1969 — The Stonewall riots occur in New York. Police try to raid and arrest gays and lesbians for solicitation at the mafia-run gay bar The Stonewall Inn, but butch lesbians and drag queens fight back, chanting "Gay Power!" which becomes the rallying cry at marches and parades in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. It took another 10 years before a homosexual rights march occurs in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital. However, these parades now take place annually all over the world, usually on the last Saturday in June.
1964 — The book "Homosexual Behavior Among Males" by Wainwright Churchill breaks ground as a scientific study approaching homosexuality as a fact of life and introduces the term “homoerotophobia," a possible precursor to "homophobia."
1957 — The word "transsexual" is coined by U.S. physician Harry Benjamin.
1952 — Christine Jorgensen becomes the first person to have sex reassignment surgery, in this case, male to female, creating a world-wide sensation. Twenty years later, in 1972, Sweden becomes the first country in the world to allow transsexuals to legally change their sex, with the government providing free hormone therapy.
1950 — The first sustained American homosexual group, the Mattachine Society, is founded in Los Angeles by Harry Hay. Over the years, the group does a number of actions in the fight for gay rights, including a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City to challenge a New York State Liquor Authority law prohibiting serving alcohol to gays. This event serves as a catalyst for additional gay clubs to open, namely the Stonewall Inn.
1945 — Upon liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces, those interned for homosexuality are not freed, but required to serve out the full term of their sentences under Paragraph 175, a provision of the German Criminal Code that made sexual acts between males illegal.
1941 — Transsexuality was first used in reference to homosexuality and bisexuality.
1933 — In Germany, the National Socialist German Workers Party bans homosexual groups and sends homosexuals to concentration camps where countless were killed along with Jews and other groups of people. Similar to Jews who are ordered to wear yellow star patched on their clothing so they are marked in public, homosexuals are forced to wear a pink triangle on their sleeve.
1927 — The Pansy Craze, a period in the late 1920s and early 1930s in which gay clubs and performers (known as pansy performers) experienced a surge in underground popularity in the United States, begins.
1926 — The New York Times is the first major publication to use the word homosexuality.
1920 — The word Gay is used for the first time in reference to homosexual in the underground.
1913 — The word faggot is first used in print in reference to gays in a vocabulary of criminal slang published in Portland, Oregon: "All the fagots [sic] (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight." Ten years later, the short form "fag" is first used in print in reference to gays in Nels Anderson's The Hobo: "Fairies or Fags are men or boys who exploit sex for profit."
1903 — In New York on February 21, 1903, New York police conducted the first United States recorded raid on a gay bathhouse, the Ariston Hotel Baths. 26 men were arrested and 12 brought to trial on sodomy charges; 7 men received sentences ranging from 4 to 20 years in prison.
Pre 20th Century Pride Timeline
1892 — The words "bisexual" and "heterosexual" are first used in their current senses in Charles Gilbert Chaddock's translation of Kraft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis.
1870 — Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania is published, possibly the first American novel about a homosexual relationship.
1869 — The term "homosexuality" appears in print for the first time in a German-Hungarian pamphlet written by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–1882).
1867 — On August 29, 1867, Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs became the first self-proclaimed homosexual to speak out publicly for homosexual rights when he pleaded at the Congress of German Jurists in Munich for a resolution urging the repeal of anti-homosexual laws.
1830 — The term "asexual" is used for the first time in biology.
1791 — The French Revolution occurs. The country adopts a new penal code that no longer criminalizes sodomy, making France the first west European country to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting adults. Prussia, Luxembourg, Tuscany and others follow suit. Then, in 1810, the Napoleonic code eliminates all penalties for sodomy throughout the European Empire. Brazil, Japan, Mexico and a long list of other countries around the world decriminalize homosexuality during the next 100 years. This list does not include England or America.
1785 — Jeremy Bentham becomes one of the first people to argue for the decriminalization of sodomy in England.
1649 — The first known conviction for lesbian activity in North America occurs. Sarah White Norman is charged with "lewd behavior each with other upon a bed" with Mary Vincent Hammon in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Hammon was under 16 and not prosecuted.
1540-1700 — More than 1,600 people are prosecuted for sodomy.
1476 — Leonardo Da Vinci is charged with sodomy. No verdict is rendered at his trial.
1327 — The deposed King Edward II of England dies allegedly by forcing a red-hot poker through his rectum. Edward II had a history of conflict with the nobility, who repeatedly banished his former lover Piers Gaveston, the Earl of Cornwall.
6th century - 17th century — Homosexuality becomes illegal throughout Europe, with punishments including castration, mutilation, hair shearing, amputation, being whipped or stoned, confiscation of property, banishment, fasting, excommunication and being burned alive. Mutilation and execution were also used as punishments for women caught in same-sex acts.
589 — Spain is converted to Catholicism, leading to laws being changed that allowed for the persecution of gays and Jews.
529 — Christian emperor Justinian I blames homosexuals for famines, earthquakes and pestilence.
— Emperor Constantine declares the Roman Empire as Christian. In 342, the first law against homosexual marriage was promulgated by the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans. Then in 390, Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be burned alive in front of the public. However, they continue to collect taxes on male prostitution.
1st Century BCE — The Roman Empire is a time in which art and literature depict homosexual love in a positive light. Like the Greeks, the Romans celebrated love and sex amongst men. The first recorded same-sex marriages occur during this period and homosexual prostitution was taxed. However, like the Greeks, passivity and effeminacy were not tolerated, and an adult male freeborn Roman could lose their citizen status if caught performing fellatio or being penetrated. For more than 200 years, various Roman Emperors marry men in legal, public ceremonies.
326 BCE — Gay/bisexual military leader Alexander the Great completes conquest of most of the then known Western world, converting millions of people to the gay-friendly Hellenistic culture and launching the Hellenistic Age.
385 BCE — Plato's Symposium is published. Plato argues that love between males is the highest form and that sex with women is lustful and only for means of reproduction. Only with men, can the Greek male reach their full intellectual potential. Thirty-five years later, Plato publishes Laws, in which he takes a drastically different approach than in Symposium. Here homosexuality is critiqued as being lustful and wrong for society because it does not further the species and may lead to irresponsible citizenry.
425-388 BCE — A series of satires published by Aristophanes ridicule the effeminate man, the transvestite, and adult males who enjoyed the passive sexual role. This provides evidence that although Greek culture was accepting of homosexuality, they did not accept effeminate males. Effeminacy in men was publicly ridiculed.
600 BCE — Sappho of Lesbos writes her famous love poems to young women, providing the eventual inspiration for the word lesbian. Much of Sappho's work was later destroyed by Christians.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Saturdays at Home: Arranging Furniture
Special thanks to HGTV for the information.
Their outline:
1. Take Measurements
2. Estimate Volume
3. It's All a Matter of Scale
4. Create a Healthy Relationship
5. Paint Your Room
6. Think Gestalt
Follow the link below for more detail:
Tips for Arranging & Re-Arranging
Their outline:
1. Take Measurements
2. Estimate Volume
3. It's All a Matter of Scale
4. Create a Healthy Relationship
5. Paint Your Room
6. Think Gestalt
Follow the link below for more detail:
Tips for Arranging & Re-Arranging
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tasty Tuesday: Indian Meatballs
Indian Meatballs with Tamarind Glaze
Top Chef Masters, Season 3, Episode 2 Quickfire Challenge
2 ounces chicken thighs and legs
2 ounces pork belly
2 ounces short ribs
3 cloves of garlic
1 jalapeno
3 inches of ginger
3 scallions
1/2 cup cilantro
1/3 cup canola oil
36 fresh or 54 frozen curry leaves, roughly torn
12 dried red chilies
2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 medium red onions, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup skinned peanuts
3 1/2 pounds tomatoes, roughly chopped
9 ounces tomato paste
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon Sambar spice or curry powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 1/2 tablespoon kosher salt
1. Grind meat to medium grind.
2. Finely chop all remaining ingredients and add to meat mixture.
3. Heat oil in heavy skillet and fry meatball on all sides until browned. Reserve.
1. Heat the oil with the curry leaves, chilies, mustard seeds and cumin over medium-high heat until the cumin is golden and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Stir in the turmeric and cook until the chilies darken, 1-2 minutes longer. Stir in the onions and cook until they have wilted and opaque, 5-7 minutes
2. Stir in the peanuts and cook for 3 minutes and than add the tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, Sambar powder, cayenne and salt. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring often, pressing the tomatoes up against the sides of the pot to crush them.
3. Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the tomato juices are reduced and the chutney is thick and jam-like, stirring often, for 20-35 minutes. Taste for seasoning and add more salt if needed. Transfer to airtight container and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
4. To plate, serve cooked meatball with chutney.
Top Chef Masters, Season 3, Episode 2 Quickfire Challenge
2 ounces chicken thighs and legs
2 ounces pork belly
2 ounces short ribs
3 cloves of garlic
1 jalapeno
3 inches of ginger
3 scallions
1/2 cup cilantro
1/3 cup canola oil
36 fresh or 54 frozen curry leaves, roughly torn
12 dried red chilies
2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 medium red onions, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup skinned peanuts
3 1/2 pounds tomatoes, roughly chopped
9 ounces tomato paste
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon Sambar spice or curry powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 1/2 tablespoon kosher salt
1. Grind meat to medium grind.
2. Finely chop all remaining ingredients and add to meat mixture.
3. Heat oil in heavy skillet and fry meatball on all sides until browned. Reserve.
1. Heat the oil with the curry leaves, chilies, mustard seeds and cumin over medium-high heat until the cumin is golden and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Stir in the turmeric and cook until the chilies darken, 1-2 minutes longer. Stir in the onions and cook until they have wilted and opaque, 5-7 minutes
2. Stir in the peanuts and cook for 3 minutes and than add the tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, Sambar powder, cayenne and salt. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring often, pressing the tomatoes up against the sides of the pot to crush them.
3. Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the tomato juices are reduced and the chutney is thick and jam-like, stirring often, for 20-35 minutes. Taste for seasoning and add more salt if needed. Transfer to airtight container and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
4. To plate, serve cooked meatball with chutney.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday Meditation
Some call it God,
Some call it Karma,
Some know it as the Greater Good.
But all are in agreement that this world follows
an unspoken rule that all things are done for the greater sense of goodness.
Some call it Karma,
Some know it as the Greater Good.
But all are in agreement that this world follows
an unspoken rule that all things are done for the greater sense of goodness.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What is Happiness?
Gretchen Rubin is the author of The Happiness Project, an account of the year she spent test-driving every conceivable principle about how to be happy, from Aristotle to Ben Franklin to Oprah to Martin Seligman. On her popular blog, The Happiness Project, she reports on her daily adventures on her way to becoming happier.
The Happiness Project
The Happiness Project
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday Reflection
All mankind is on a quest for the validation of self-worth. It is a quest to be loved, remembered, and a quest to be declared correct.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday's Man
As many know already, Wednesdays are dedicated to a woman to be highlighted for that day. But this young man sits in a category all his own, dancing on the threshold of genders.
This is Andrej Pejic, the fashion industry's most recent controversy... and gem.
This is Andrej Pejic, the fashion industry's most recent controversy... and gem.
Monday, June 6, 2011
This week (6/6 - 6/11)
This is a big week.... so here we go:
Monday: Pride Skate
Tuesday: Greek Festival
Wednesday: Pride community meeting
Thursday: PFLAG (Wilmington)
Friday: Art is Social
Saturday: Rennaissance
Sunday: Italian Festival
Pride Skate
This is an All Ages event for the GLBTA Community brought to you by Delaware Pride, Inc. This is a Private event so feel free to be yourself!
Monday, June 6th, 2011, Delaware Pride is proud to Present PRIDE Skate from 7pm - 9pm (must be on-time as 2 hours of skating starts at 7pm SHARP)
Admission is $10 Per Skater (Includes 2 Hours of Skating). Skate rental is additional, $2.00 for Regular Skate Rental or $3.00 for Inline Skate Rental.
You can bring your own skates to avoid the skate rental fee.
You can prepay for the event by going to, click on the events tab & then other events. Or you can pay your admission fee at the event to the Delaware Pride rep wearing the Delaware Pride T-Shirt.
Proceeds will help fund the 2011 Delaware Pride Festival!!!
We expect a wide range of ages to attend this event. If we get a good turnout we will turn this into a monthly event!!! Hope to see everyone there.
Get ready for some dancing, skating, mingling, and some unforgettable fun!!
Event Held At:
Christiana Skating Center
801 Christiana Road
Newark, DE 19713
For any additional questions or concerns please send an email to:
Greek Festival
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church invites the community
to celebrate its annual Greek Festival, Tuesday June 7 - Saturday June 11, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., at 8th and Broom Streets in Wilmington.Visitors will enjoy homemade Greek food and desserts, ethnic music and dance performances by the Award Winning Terpsechorian Dance Troupe. Admission is free.
808 North Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
Pride Community Meeting
Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
5 pm - 8 pm
Visit the Brandywine Town Center ~ Red Robin
Brandywine Town Center
6100 Brandywine Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19803
Print out the flyer (flyer available on our website give it to your server when paying for your meal.
15% of your meal’s price will be donated to Delaware Pride, Inc.
Invite your friends and print them out a flyer too :)
Please come out and bring this flyer on Wednesday, May 11th to support Red Robin & Delaware Pride, Inc
Feel free to join us in the private room. We are holding our monthly meeting here in the private party room at 7pm. Join us for a night out and help us to raise money for the 2011 Delaware Pride Festival!!
Thursday, June 9 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church
13th & Rodney Sts
Wilmington, DE
Art is Social
Friday, June 10 · 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Delaware Art Museum
2301 Kentmere Parkway
Wilmington, DE
DJs | illusionary art | $5 entry fee | free beer & wine tasting | $1 beers and glasses of wine
Looking for something different to do this summer? Skip the bar scene on Friday, June 10 and check out the Delaware Art Museum for a night of free beer and wine tasting, salty snacks, and contemporary art and entertainment. DJs William Fields and SquareWell will provide tracks with experimental, contemporary sounds and the illusionary exhibition Perception/Deception will keep you guessing about what’s real and what isn’t. If the art makes you question reality, don’t blame the alcohol – just let Assistant Curator Margaret Winslow explain the shadows that seem to appear from nowhere and how a two-foot high concrete cube creates a bottomless tunnel during a brief exhibition tour. Whether you’re new to the Museum or a regular on the arts scene, this event is the unique night out you’ve been searching for.
Delaware Renaissance
Doors open at 8:00 pm and the meeting starts at 8:30 pm at the First Unitarian Church, 730 Halstead Road, in Talleyville.
The entrance is in the rear at the Youth Enrichment Center. Our meetings are open to all who seek education about the transgendered community, or support in a safe, secure, nonsexual environment: crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals, transgenderists, their families and friends, and interested professionals.
St. Anthony's Italian Festival
The Culture
For 2011, the Italian Festival celebrates the spirit of the Renaissance and the splendor of the region on Tuscany. Come experience Italy in the heart of Wilmington.
The Food
The Festival offers a wide variety of delicious and authentic Italian food specialties. Experience a virtual tour of Italy during your visit by dining in one of our many outdoor eateries.
The Fun
Find out exactly when and where your favorite band will be playing or come check out all four stages as you sample the food in each cafe.
The Event
June 12-19th 2011
901 N Dupont St.
Wilmington, DE 19805
8 Day Passes are now available for $12.00 (20% discount).
Monday: Pride Skate
Tuesday: Greek Festival
Wednesday: Pride community meeting
Thursday: PFLAG (Wilmington)
Friday: Art is Social
Saturday: Rennaissance
Sunday: Italian Festival
Pride Skate
This is an All Ages event for the GLBTA Community brought to you by Delaware Pride, Inc. This is a Private event so feel free to be yourself!
Monday, June 6th, 2011, Delaware Pride is proud to Present PRIDE Skate from 7pm - 9pm (must be on-time as 2 hours of skating starts at 7pm SHARP)
Admission is $10 Per Skater (Includes 2 Hours of Skating). Skate rental is additional, $2.00 for Regular Skate Rental or $3.00 for Inline Skate Rental.
You can bring your own skates to avoid the skate rental fee.
You can prepay for the event by going to, click on the events tab & then other events. Or you can pay your admission fee at the event to the Delaware Pride rep wearing the Delaware Pride T-Shirt.
Proceeds will help fund the 2011 Delaware Pride Festival!!!
We expect a wide range of ages to attend this event. If we get a good turnout we will turn this into a monthly event!!! Hope to see everyone there.
Get ready for some dancing, skating, mingling, and some unforgettable fun!!
Event Held At:
Christiana Skating Center
801 Christiana Road
Newark, DE 19713
For any additional questions or concerns please send an email to:
Greek Festival
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church invites the community
to celebrate its annual Greek Festival, Tuesday June 7 - Saturday June 11, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., at 8th and Broom Streets in Wilmington.Visitors will enjoy homemade Greek food and desserts, ethnic music and dance performances by the Award Winning Terpsechorian Dance Troupe. Admission is free.
808 North Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
Pride Community Meeting
Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
5 pm - 8 pm
Visit the Brandywine Town Center ~ Red Robin
Brandywine Town Center
6100 Brandywine Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19803
Print out the flyer (flyer available on our website give it to your server when paying for your meal.
15% of your meal’s price will be donated to Delaware Pride, Inc.
Invite your friends and print them out a flyer too :)
Please come out and bring this flyer on Wednesday, May 11th to support Red Robin & Delaware Pride, Inc
Feel free to join us in the private room. We are holding our monthly meeting here in the private party room at 7pm. Join us for a night out and help us to raise money for the 2011 Delaware Pride Festival!!
Thursday, June 9 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church
13th & Rodney Sts
Wilmington, DE
Art is Social
Friday, June 10 · 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Delaware Art Museum
2301 Kentmere Parkway
Wilmington, DE
DJs | illusionary art | $5 entry fee | free beer & wine tasting | $1 beers and glasses of wine
Looking for something different to do this summer? Skip the bar scene on Friday, June 10 and check out the Delaware Art Museum for a night of free beer and wine tasting, salty snacks, and contemporary art and entertainment. DJs William Fields and SquareWell will provide tracks with experimental, contemporary sounds and the illusionary exhibition Perception/Deception will keep you guessing about what’s real and what isn’t. If the art makes you question reality, don’t blame the alcohol – just let Assistant Curator Margaret Winslow explain the shadows that seem to appear from nowhere and how a two-foot high concrete cube creates a bottomless tunnel during a brief exhibition tour. Whether you’re new to the Museum or a regular on the arts scene, this event is the unique night out you’ve been searching for.
Delaware Renaissance
Doors open at 8:00 pm and the meeting starts at 8:30 pm at the First Unitarian Church, 730 Halstead Road, in Talleyville.
The entrance is in the rear at the Youth Enrichment Center. Our meetings are open to all who seek education about the transgendered community, or support in a safe, secure, nonsexual environment: crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals, transgenderists, their families and friends, and interested professionals.
St. Anthony's Italian Festival
The Culture
For 2011, the Italian Festival celebrates the spirit of the Renaissance and the splendor of the region on Tuscany. Come experience Italy in the heart of Wilmington.
The Food
The Festival offers a wide variety of delicious and authentic Italian food specialties. Experience a virtual tour of Italy during your visit by dining in one of our many outdoor eateries.
The Fun
Find out exactly when and where your favorite band will be playing or come check out all four stages as you sample the food in each cafe.
The Event
June 12-19th 2011
901 N Dupont St.
Wilmington, DE 19805
8 Day Passes are now available for $12.00 (20% discount).
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Mondays are Funny!!!
Mondays are even funnier now that Gilbert Gottfried is doing-voice overs for infomercials!!! Yes, this is real.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tasty Tuesday: Sangria
(According to Wikipedia) Sangria is a wine punch typical of Portugal and Spain. It normally consists of:
a light, dry, young, acidic, unoaked, inexpensive red wine, usually Spanish Rioja; other reds that work well include French wines such as Gamay or Beaujolais, and Italian wines such as Grignolino, Bardolino, Dolcetto, Freisa or Lambrusco.
chopped or sliced fruit such as orange, lemon, lime, apple, peach, melon, berries, pineapple, grape or mango
a sweetener such as honey, sugar, simple syrup, orange juice, and/or fruit nectar
a small amount of added brandy and triple sec, or other spirits
In some recipes (common in the United States) Seltzer, Sprite or 7up and ice.
White Wine Sangria, with Honeydew:
1 (750 milliliter) bottle white wine
1/2 cup cubed watermelon
1/2 cup cubed honeydew
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
6 splashes ginger ale, or to taste
Combine the white wine, watermelon, honeydew, strawberries, and raspberries in a large pitcher. Chill in refrigerator at least 1 hour to allow flavors to combine.
Ladle wine and fruit into wine goblets; top each with a splash of ginger ale to serve.
Here's a rather traditional red sangria:
a light, dry, young, acidic, unoaked, inexpensive red wine, usually Spanish Rioja; other reds that work well include French wines such as Gamay or Beaujolais, and Italian wines such as Grignolino, Bardolino, Dolcetto, Freisa or Lambrusco.
chopped or sliced fruit such as orange, lemon, lime, apple, peach, melon, berries, pineapple, grape or mango
a sweetener such as honey, sugar, simple syrup, orange juice, and/or fruit nectar
a small amount of added brandy and triple sec, or other spirits
In some recipes (common in the United States) Seltzer, Sprite or 7up and ice.
White Wine Sangria, with Honeydew:
1 (750 milliliter) bottle white wine
1/2 cup cubed watermelon
1/2 cup cubed honeydew
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
6 splashes ginger ale, or to taste
Combine the white wine, watermelon, honeydew, strawberries, and raspberries in a large pitcher. Chill in refrigerator at least 1 hour to allow flavors to combine.
Ladle wine and fruit into wine goblets; top each with a splash of ginger ale to serve.
Here's a rather traditional red sangria:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Techno Thursday
This week's featured website is pure fun!
The Bobby Pin Blog
From the site:
Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog!
The history of beauty fascinates me, so I am turning to a blog to share information. Read thoughts and research about beauty trends of the past and how to recreate them.
The Bobby Pin Blog
From the site:
Welcome to the Bobby Pin Blog!
The history of beauty fascinates me, so I am turning to a blog to share information. Read thoughts and research about beauty trends of the past and how to recreate them.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Mark your Calendars now
June 16th from 11 to 5
Brandywine Springs Park (Wilmington)
Food & Fun in the Park for People of ALL Ages!
A day to kick around with folks you know; and folks you hope to get to know!
A kickball tourney for organizations/groups willing to have some blast relieving past escapades on the field!
Organizations involved (to date): DE PRIDE, COLAGE-DE, HAVEN, AIDS Delaware, Brandywine Counseling & Community Services
More details to come in the weeks ahead so stay posted and plan to attend a day for Our Community in New Castle County, DE!
We encourage anyone to assemble your own kickball team before coming. A kickball is a group of about 9 or 10 people. Pick a theme, pick a costume, devise a cheer.
Or simply show up and bring friends, its free to attend so there!
Find the Facebook page to sign up: Community Fun Day
Brandywine Springs Park (Wilmington)
Food & Fun in the Park for People of ALL Ages!
A day to kick around with folks you know; and folks you hope to get to know!
A kickball tourney for organizations/groups willing to have some blast relieving past escapades on the field!
Organizations involved (to date): DE PRIDE, COLAGE-DE, HAVEN, AIDS Delaware, Brandywine Counseling & Community Services
More details to come in the weeks ahead so stay posted and plan to attend a day for Our Community in New Castle County, DE!
We encourage anyone to assemble your own kickball team before coming. A kickball is a group of about 9 or 10 people. Pick a theme, pick a costume, devise a cheer.
Or simply show up and bring friends, its free to attend so there!
Find the Facebook page to sign up: Community Fun Day
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wednesday's Woman
Simply because she is amazingly sexy and this outfit is remarkable.... Grace Jones is this Wednesday's Woman.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Techno Thursday
This is a cool site. I know it seems redundant to be using their words, but it features plenty of the newest, most interesting stuff in design, art, architecture, fashion, etc. Just check it out and find your new favorite thing!
Cool Hunting
Cool Hunting
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A Pseudo- Rant / Charge to Action
To all my LGBT family members of Delaware,
Firstly, I want to praise the community for how far we've gotten already: the Civil Union Bill, wow! that's huge!!!
It pains me to hear people complain that Delaware's LGBT community isn't very well established. Ironically, I've heard new gay/lesbian individuals to the state praise Delaware for its surprising population. The question now is: What can Delaware do to become more of an LGBT hotspot?
The answer lies in you, the people; not the state's 8 primary organizations that cater to the needs of the LGBT community. How frequently has it been said that people hope for "they" to start a new event, or for "they" to open a new bar, or for "they" to open more gay-friendly venues. But who is "they"? Is it Delaware Pride? CAMP Rehoboth? AIDs Delaware? These organizations are all phenomenal groups, run by heroes in our community, who do extraordinary things; but sometimes they have so much red tape or limited budgets that they can't initiate every newest thing. Which means the answer, once again, is you: the people of Delaware.
Delaware, this is your charge for action. If you would like to see something happen, please understand that many of these great events or congregations must happen from the ground up. It's you, it's us, who needs to take the responsibility upon our own shoulders to gather for coffee/cocktails, to fly your own rainbow flags or to open your own cute pet boutique. If you would like to see a new LGBT event started, do the research then motivate yourself and your friends to establish it. This is entirely possible. At the heart of it all, anyone who complains, cares. And anyone who cares, should also have the motivation to be proactive.
Delaware, with the passing of the Civil Union Bill, please have the courage to step out your doors with your head held a little higher. For more info or motivation, check out the "Chain of Links" off the the right for a list of the organizations serving our community and get involved. You are your own future.
Love always,
Delaware GLU
Firstly, I want to praise the community for how far we've gotten already: the Civil Union Bill, wow! that's huge!!!
It pains me to hear people complain that Delaware's LGBT community isn't very well established. Ironically, I've heard new gay/lesbian individuals to the state praise Delaware for its surprising population. The question now is: What can Delaware do to become more of an LGBT hotspot?
The answer lies in you, the people; not the state's 8 primary organizations that cater to the needs of the LGBT community. How frequently has it been said that people hope for "they" to start a new event, or for "they" to open a new bar, or for "they" to open more gay-friendly venues. But who is "they"? Is it Delaware Pride? CAMP Rehoboth? AIDs Delaware? These organizations are all phenomenal groups, run by heroes in our community, who do extraordinary things; but sometimes they have so much red tape or limited budgets that they can't initiate every newest thing. Which means the answer, once again, is you: the people of Delaware.
Delaware, this is your charge for action. If you would like to see something happen, please understand that many of these great events or congregations must happen from the ground up. It's you, it's us, who needs to take the responsibility upon our own shoulders to gather for coffee/cocktails, to fly your own rainbow flags or to open your own cute pet boutique. If you would like to see a new LGBT event started, do the research then motivate yourself and your friends to establish it. This is entirely possible. At the heart of it all, anyone who complains, cares. And anyone who cares, should also have the motivation to be proactive.
Delaware, with the passing of the Civil Union Bill, please have the courage to step out your doors with your head held a little higher. For more info or motivation, check out the "Chain of Links" off the the right for a list of the organizations serving our community and get involved. You are your own future.
Love always,
Delaware GLU
Tasty Tuesdays!!!
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon water
1 can evaporated milk 12 oz / 354 ml
1 can sweetened condensed milk 14 oz / 396 ml
1 can media crema 7.6 oz / 225 ml
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
NOTE** I recommend baking only 1 hour and checking it, it needs to be jiggly in center when taking out of oven
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday Reflection
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier" -- Mother Theresa
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturdays at Home
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is busy making one of these!!!
Save some water, install your own rain barrel!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesdays Women: Isabelle Caro
I just recently saw her life story highlighted on National Geographic and she preaches a beautiful message of health after learning of her own disease. It's a very scary and dangerous disease in which many young women often feel pressured to participate.
Follow the link below to see her interview.
Youtube Interview
Follow the link below to see her interview.
Youtube Interview
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Delaware Gay/ Lesbian Civil Union Bill
Equality Delaware is Pleased to Host a Community Celebration
as Delaware Governor Jack Markell Signs the Civil Union Legislation into Law
We Invite You and Your Families to Attend this Historic Occasion
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
World Café Live at the Queen
500 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
6:30 p.m. – Doors open with cash bar
The event includes:
- The Bill Signing Ceremony with the Governor
- A Champagne “Thank You” Toast to the Governor, Legislators and the Community
- A performance by the Rainbow Chorale of Delaware
- A Dessert Reception Following the Signing Ceremony
Attendance is free!
as Delaware Governor Jack Markell Signs the Civil Union Legislation into Law
We Invite You and Your Families to Attend this Historic Occasion
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
World Café Live at the Queen
500 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
6:30 p.m. – Doors open with cash bar
The event includes:
- The Bill Signing Ceremony with the Governor
- A Champagne “Thank You” Toast to the Governor, Legislators and the Community
- A performance by the Rainbow Chorale of Delaware
- A Dessert Reception Following the Signing Ceremony
Attendance is free!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Saturdays at Home
Dividing Perennials
With the Flower Market in its last day, any gardening tip is only appropriate!
Green thumbs up!
With the Flower Market in its last day, any gardening tip is only appropriate!
Green thumbs up!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Techno Thursday
Would you like to stay informed about everything arts, food, and cultural in Wilmington?
Would you like to stay informed about everything arts, food, and cultural in Wilmington?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tasty Tuesday: Salad Dressing
Today's food journey is a little more abstract, it's not the salad that matters here, it's the dressing. Because we all know you can't toss a good salad without a good dressing! Here are a few choice options:
Vinaigrette (/vɪnəˈɡrɛt/) is a mixture (emulsion) of salad oil and vinegar, often flavored with herbs, spices, and other ingredients. It is used most commonly as a salad dressing,[1] but also as a cold sauce or marinade.
Tarragon/Shallot Vinaigrette
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/3 cup Champagne vinegar
2 teaspoons chopped shallot
2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a small bowl, combine the oil, vinegar, shallot, tarragon, salt, and pepper; whisk to combine. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.
Pineapple Vinaigrette
1 cup pineapple chunks (maybe more if you prefer)
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp bals. vinegar
1/2 tbsp mustard seed (or 2 tbsp of bottled mustard)
1/4 cup olive oil
*blend until puree*
add salt/pepper to taste, roughly 1 teaspoon each
Citronette is a dressing made with the juices of a citrus fruit rather than vinegar.
If it doesn't have vinegar, then don't called it a vinaigrette!
Vinaigrette (/vɪnəˈɡrɛt/) is a mixture (emulsion) of salad oil and vinegar, often flavored with herbs, spices, and other ingredients. It is used most commonly as a salad dressing,[1] but also as a cold sauce or marinade.
Tarragon/Shallot Vinaigrette
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/3 cup Champagne vinegar
2 teaspoons chopped shallot
2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a small bowl, combine the oil, vinegar, shallot, tarragon, salt, and pepper; whisk to combine. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.
Pineapple Vinaigrette
1 cup pineapple chunks (maybe more if you prefer)
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp bals. vinegar
1/2 tbsp mustard seed (or 2 tbsp of bottled mustard)
1/4 cup olive oil
*blend until puree*
add salt/pepper to taste, roughly 1 teaspoon each
Citronette is a dressing made with the juices of a citrus fruit rather than vinegar.
If it doesn't have vinegar, then don't called it a vinaigrette!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sunday Reflection
When will the churches learn that intolerance, personal or ecclesiastical, is an evidence of weakness? The confident can afford to be calm and kindly; only the fearful must defame and exclude. --- Harry Emerson Fosdick
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday/Wednesday: Anita Lo
Tasty Tuesday and Wednesday's Woman combined!
Yes... I can join the two: The phenomenal out chef Anita Lo!
Chicken and Coconut Shumai
1. 1 pound ground chicken
2. 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
3. 1/4 cup coarsely shredded carrot
4. 2 Thai chiles, minced
5. 2 tablespoons chopped basil
6. 2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce
7. 2 tablespoons sugar
8. 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
9. 1 garlic clove, minced
10. 1 large egg, beaten
11. 1 small shallot, minced
12. 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
13. 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
14. 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
15. 40 wonton wrappers
16. Green leaf lettuce leaves, for steaming
17. Sriracha chili sauce, for serving
1. In a large bowl, combine the ground chicken with the coconut milk, carrot, chiles, basil, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, garlic, egg, shallot, ginger, salt and pepper. Using your hands, mix thoroughly.
2. Hold a wonton wrapper in the palm of your hand; keep the rest covered with plastic wrap. Place a rounded tablespoon of filling in the center of the wrapper and pinch the edges all around to form a cup that is open about 1 inch at the top. Keep the shumai covered with plastic wrap. Repeat with the remaining wonton wrappers and filling.
3. Fill a wok or a very large skillet with 2 inches of water and bring to a boil. Line a double-tiered bamboo steamer with lettuce leaves and arrange the shumai in the steamer without crowding. Cover and steam over moderate heat until cooked through, about 10 minutes. Repeat with the remaining shumai. Serve right away, passing the chili sauce at the table.
Yes... I can join the two: The phenomenal out chef Anita Lo!
Chicken and Coconut Shumai
1. 1 pound ground chicken
2. 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
3. 1/4 cup coarsely shredded carrot
4. 2 Thai chiles, minced
5. 2 tablespoons chopped basil
6. 2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce
7. 2 tablespoons sugar
8. 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
9. 1 garlic clove, minced
10. 1 large egg, beaten
11. 1 small shallot, minced
12. 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
13. 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
14. 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
15. 40 wonton wrappers
16. Green leaf lettuce leaves, for steaming
17. Sriracha chili sauce, for serving
1. In a large bowl, combine the ground chicken with the coconut milk, carrot, chiles, basil, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, garlic, egg, shallot, ginger, salt and pepper. Using your hands, mix thoroughly.
2. Hold a wonton wrapper in the palm of your hand; keep the rest covered with plastic wrap. Place a rounded tablespoon of filling in the center of the wrapper and pinch the edges all around to form a cup that is open about 1 inch at the top. Keep the shumai covered with plastic wrap. Repeat with the remaining wonton wrappers and filling.
3. Fill a wok or a very large skillet with 2 inches of water and bring to a boil. Line a double-tiered bamboo steamer with lettuce leaves and arrange the shumai in the steamer without crowding. Cover and steam over moderate heat until cooked through, about 10 minutes. Repeat with the remaining shumai. Serve right away, passing the chili sauce at the table.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Do you need a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend?
From the makers of the Snuggie, ShamWow, and OxyClean... comes the newest 2 things you simply must have!!!
Sunday Wisdom for Easter
Sunday Wisdom for Easter:
[1] The challenge of life isn't to be perfect, it's to be whole.
[2] Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.
[3] God gives us the tumult so we can get over it ourselves, not so He can fix everything for us.
[4] "In 3 words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
-- Robert Frost
[1] The challenge of life isn't to be perfect, it's to be whole.
[2] Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.
[3] God gives us the tumult so we can get over it ourselves, not so He can fix everything for us.
[4] "In 3 words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
-- Robert Frost
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Techno Thursday: Earth Day edition!
Many Delawareans are already familiar with this site if you have a bid burgundy recycle bin outside your house. In other words, April 22 is Earth Day and this is a reminder to care!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Happy Birthday, Delaware GLU!
Wow, I can't believe it's been a year already!
So much has happened amidst Delaware's LGBT community in the past year,
where do I begin!!
* Ladies of the 80's
* The Pride Festival
* Crimson Idol
* Fierce Wednesdays
* A Candlelight Vigil
* Our Night Out
* a new PFLAG chapter in Rehoboth
* the Rainbow Chorale performing at Art Loops
(forgive me if I neglected something)
... and oh yeah... CIVIL UNIONS!
Go Delaware!!!
If you haven't already heard the story of GLU (Gays and Lesbians United), I have the video below. But all I want to say is thanks for the support, things appear more difficult if you convince yourself you're doing it alone. Fortunately, Delaware is small; everyone knows everyone.
In October, when I was asked to speak at the 4th Wilmington Ignite Conference, I figured no one was paying attention to what was happening online. That invitation came both as a surprise and as an honor. It was more of an honor to have been granted the opportunity to share my little baby blog with influential citizens of Delaware. Shortly after, GLU began amassing Facebook fans and therefore this little corner of the internet was generating its own heightened awareness of Delaware's lgbt community.
In December, I received another tremendous email, with the opportunity to be interviewed with Spark magazine. Once again, GLU was reaching new audiences. For this opportunity, I will be abundantly grateful. I don't know where or how far my influence lies, but I will continue maintaining this blog for as long as I am able. Yes, at times it's a lot, but I truly am grateful for all the amazing people I have met along the way. This ever-growing sense of family is so endearing and more motivating than anything else.
Hopefully it isn't much of a surprise that I hold a master calendar of everything happening in Delaware relevant to the lgbt community for the remainder of the year. I attend whichever meetings I am able and take vigorous notes! I want this community to thrive, but simply announcing things isn't enough. We all must make an effort to attend events and meetings as well.
If ever you have an event you would like for me to promote, email:
If you use Facebook, please find and "LIKE" Delaware GLU: [Facebook page]
Special thanks to Michelle Fitzgerald for helping me set up this blog itself; inspiration is cross-pollination!
Thanks again Delaware, the future is looking very bright for us!
Joe Sielski
And now the video:
So much has happened amidst Delaware's LGBT community in the past year,
where do I begin!!
* Ladies of the 80's
* The Pride Festival
* Crimson Idol
* Fierce Wednesdays
* A Candlelight Vigil
* Our Night Out
* a new PFLAG chapter in Rehoboth
* the Rainbow Chorale performing at Art Loops
(forgive me if I neglected something)
... and oh yeah... CIVIL UNIONS!
Go Delaware!!!
If you haven't already heard the story of GLU (Gays and Lesbians United), I have the video below. But all I want to say is thanks for the support, things appear more difficult if you convince yourself you're doing it alone. Fortunately, Delaware is small; everyone knows everyone.
In October, when I was asked to speak at the 4th Wilmington Ignite Conference, I figured no one was paying attention to what was happening online. That invitation came both as a surprise and as an honor. It was more of an honor to have been granted the opportunity to share my little baby blog with influential citizens of Delaware. Shortly after, GLU began amassing Facebook fans and therefore this little corner of the internet was generating its own heightened awareness of Delaware's lgbt community.
In December, I received another tremendous email, with the opportunity to be interviewed with Spark magazine. Once again, GLU was reaching new audiences. For this opportunity, I will be abundantly grateful. I don't know where or how far my influence lies, but I will continue maintaining this blog for as long as I am able. Yes, at times it's a lot, but I truly am grateful for all the amazing people I have met along the way. This ever-growing sense of family is so endearing and more motivating than anything else.
Hopefully it isn't much of a surprise that I hold a master calendar of everything happening in Delaware relevant to the lgbt community for the remainder of the year. I attend whichever meetings I am able and take vigorous notes! I want this community to thrive, but simply announcing things isn't enough. We all must make an effort to attend events and meetings as well.
If ever you have an event you would like for me to promote, email:
If you use Facebook, please find and "LIKE" Delaware GLU: [Facebook page]
Special thanks to Michelle Fitzgerald for helping me set up this blog itself; inspiration is cross-pollination!
Thanks again Delaware, the future is looking very bright for us!
Joe Sielski
And now the video:
Tasty Tuesday
Read more about it at,1913,153167-233197,00.html
Content Copyright © 2011 - All rights reserved.
8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
4 egg yolks
1 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, cut into pieces at room temperature
1 3/4 c. chilled whipping cream
1 c. fresh brewed strong coffee, cooled
1/4 c. dark rum or (kahlua)
1 (12 oz.) prepared pound cake (or store bought), cut into 4 x 1 x 1/2 inch strips
In processor finely chop chocolate, set aside. In processor mix sugar, egg yolks; add vanilla and process until pale yellow. Add cheese gradually and blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Cover and chill 1 hour. Beat whipping cream until stiff. Fold into cream cheese mixture. Cover and chill 1 hour (can be prepared 2 days ahead.) Pour strong coffee into large shallow dish. Dip cake strips in coffee to coat completely. Arrange strips on bottom of shallow dish. Sprinkle with half of chocolate, top with chilled cheese mixture. Sprinkle with remaining chocolate. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.
Read more about it at,1913,153167-233197,00.html
Content Copyright © 2011 - All rights reserved.
8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
4 egg yolks
1 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, cut into pieces at room temperature
1 3/4 c. chilled whipping cream
1 c. fresh brewed strong coffee, cooled
1/4 c. dark rum or (kahlua)
1 (12 oz.) prepared pound cake (or store bought), cut into 4 x 1 x 1/2 inch strips
In processor finely chop chocolate, set aside. In processor mix sugar, egg yolks; add vanilla and process until pale yellow. Add cheese gradually and blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Cover and chill 1 hour. Beat whipping cream until stiff. Fold into cream cheese mixture. Cover and chill 1 hour (can be prepared 2 days ahead.) Pour strong coffee into large shallow dish. Dip cake strips in coffee to coat completely. Arrange strips on bottom of shallow dish. Sprinkle with half of chocolate, top with chilled cheese mixture. Sprinkle with remaining chocolate. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday Meditations
Possibly the Ultimate Lesson of Life
Click above if you'd like to find out why this was re-posted for Sunday!
Click above if you'd like to find out why this was re-posted for Sunday!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Delaware Accepts Civil Union Bill [full article]
Delaware took a significant step toward equality Thursday when the house of representatives voted to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples. The proposal passed the senate last week and Gov. Jack Markell intends to sign the bill.
Cheers erupted shortly after 7 p.m. when, in a bipartisan 26 to 15 vote, the Democratic-controlled chamber approved the proposal, which would provide same-sex couples in civil unions with the same rights and responsibilities as married couples, to the extent possible. Comparable same-sex unions including marriages from other jurisdictions would be recognized as civil unions in Delaware.
Also known as Senate Bill 30, the Delaware Civil Unions and Equality Act of 2011, the measure was sponsored by Sen. David Sokola and Rep. Melanie George. Equality Delaware, a statewide advocacy group formed last year, spearheaded the push for the measure.
“Today, we celebrate a victory for all Delaware families who will have the tools to protect themselves in good times and in bad," said Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese in a statement. "We look forward to Governor Markell signing this bill into law and thank Senator Sokola and Representative George for their leadership on this bill, and Equality Delaware for their tireless dedication."
Delaware, the second smallest U.S. state in area with a population of 900,000, sits in the densely populated Mid-Atlantic region, where civil unions are available in neighboring New Jersey and advocates hope to pass marriage equality in New York this year. A corporate haven, Delaware also is home to Vice President Joseph Biden.
The office of the vice president did not respond to a request for comment on the vote.
The historic vote followed more than two hours of debate during which house members defeated nine amendments to the bill, including proposals to open civil unions to opposite-sex couples and to require a statewide referendum before the civil unions law could be implemented, Rep. George called the referendum proposal “an unlawful and unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority.”
Another defeated amendment, offered by an attorney for the antigay Alliance Defense Fund, would have allowed businesses, clergy members and churches to refuse to facilitate any unions and related events like receptions that conflicted with their religious beliefs.
Last month, polling results released by Equality Delaware showed that 62% of voters supported civil unions. Opponents led by the Delaware Family Policy Council charged that the measure would open the door to marriage equality in the state.
Doug Napier, an Alliance Defense Fund attorney, repeated that claim in his testimony on the floor.
“It is riddled with all sorts of unintended consequences,” he said, while vowing to challenge the law in court. “Don’t be deceived. This bill is a precursor to same-sex marriage.”
Another witness, family law attorney Glynis Gibson, expressed concern for the law’s potential impact on children. She said the measure would give preference to a stepparent over a biological parent in some instances.
“This legislation is new and it is world-changing. It is life-changing,” she said. “And we need to think about what we’re doing when we are elevating parties to a civil union to the same level as a stepparent.”
Lisa Goodman, an attorney and president of Equality Delaware, responded to Napier in her testimony.
“It’s hard to know where to start with those since I don’t really think those were legal comments,” she said. “This bill does not change the definition of marriage under Delaware law.”
Goodman was asked whether Equality Delaware planned to use the civil unions law as a “jumping-off point” to push for marriage, but the question was ruled out of order.
According to HRC, five states currently have laws providing an expansive form of state-level relationship recognition for gay and lesbian couples without offering marriage. States offering such civil unions and domestic partnerships include California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. Earlier this year, Hawaii and Illinois adopted civil union laws that will take effect in June for Illinois and in January 2012 for Hawaii.
Despite the momentum, Goodman told The Advocate on Wednesday that Equality Delaware was taking nothing for granted in the run-up to the final vote Thursday. The legislative session in nearby Maryland ended this week without a marriage equality victory after the bill passed the senate, predicted to be the more challenging chamber, only to be yanked in the house when support fell short following a reenergized campaign from religious conservatives.
“I have had Maryland in the forefront of my mind since this happened,” said Goodman. “We have been redoubling our efforts. We have essentially been using ‘remember Maryland’ as our rallying cry.”
Delaware took a significant step toward equality Thursday when the house of representatives voted to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples. The proposal passed the senate last week and Gov. Jack Markell intends to sign the bill.
Cheers erupted shortly after 7 p.m. when, in a bipartisan 26 to 15 vote, the Democratic-controlled chamber approved the proposal, which would provide same-sex couples in civil unions with the same rights and responsibilities as married couples, to the extent possible. Comparable same-sex unions including marriages from other jurisdictions would be recognized as civil unions in Delaware.
Also known as Senate Bill 30, the Delaware Civil Unions and Equality Act of 2011, the measure was sponsored by Sen. David Sokola and Rep. Melanie George. Equality Delaware, a statewide advocacy group formed last year, spearheaded the push for the measure.
“Today, we celebrate a victory for all Delaware families who will have the tools to protect themselves in good times and in bad," said Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese in a statement. "We look forward to Governor Markell signing this bill into law and thank Senator Sokola and Representative George for their leadership on this bill, and Equality Delaware for their tireless dedication."
Delaware, the second smallest U.S. state in area with a population of 900,000, sits in the densely populated Mid-Atlantic region, where civil unions are available in neighboring New Jersey and advocates hope to pass marriage equality in New York this year. A corporate haven, Delaware also is home to Vice President Joseph Biden.
The office of the vice president did not respond to a request for comment on the vote.
The historic vote followed more than two hours of debate during which house members defeated nine amendments to the bill, including proposals to open civil unions to opposite-sex couples and to require a statewide referendum before the civil unions law could be implemented, Rep. George called the referendum proposal “an unlawful and unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority.”
Another defeated amendment, offered by an attorney for the antigay Alliance Defense Fund, would have allowed businesses, clergy members and churches to refuse to facilitate any unions and related events like receptions that conflicted with their religious beliefs.
Last month, polling results released by Equality Delaware showed that 62% of voters supported civil unions. Opponents led by the Delaware Family Policy Council charged that the measure would open the door to marriage equality in the state.
Doug Napier, an Alliance Defense Fund attorney, repeated that claim in his testimony on the floor.
“It is riddled with all sorts of unintended consequences,” he said, while vowing to challenge the law in court. “Don’t be deceived. This bill is a precursor to same-sex marriage.”
Another witness, family law attorney Glynis Gibson, expressed concern for the law’s potential impact on children. She said the measure would give preference to a stepparent over a biological parent in some instances.
“This legislation is new and it is world-changing. It is life-changing,” she said. “And we need to think about what we’re doing when we are elevating parties to a civil union to the same level as a stepparent.”
Lisa Goodman, an attorney and president of Equality Delaware, responded to Napier in her testimony.
“It’s hard to know where to start with those since I don’t really think those were legal comments,” she said. “This bill does not change the definition of marriage under Delaware law.”
Goodman was asked whether Equality Delaware planned to use the civil unions law as a “jumping-off point” to push for marriage, but the question was ruled out of order.
According to HRC, five states currently have laws providing an expansive form of state-level relationship recognition for gay and lesbian couples without offering marriage. States offering such civil unions and domestic partnerships include California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. Earlier this year, Hawaii and Illinois adopted civil union laws that will take effect in June for Illinois and in January 2012 for Hawaii.
Despite the momentum, Goodman told The Advocate on Wednesday that Equality Delaware was taking nothing for granted in the run-up to the final vote Thursday. The legislative session in nearby Maryland ended this week without a marriage equality victory after the bill passed the senate, predicted to be the more challenging chamber, only to be yanked in the house when support fell short following a reenergized campaign from religious conservatives.
“I have had Maryland in the forefront of my mind since this happened,” said Goodman. “We have been redoubling our efforts. We have essentially been using ‘remember Maryland’ as our rallying cry.”
Just for Fun
These 2 are simply special.
The show was brilliant.
This was just a brilliantly special moment for television.
The show was brilliant.
This was just a brilliantly special moment for television.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Techno Thursdays: Lesbilicious
" is an independent web-based magazine for lesbian and bisexual women.
We report fast and we write smart, and we aim to be the first place you look when you need LBi news."
Their URL: [Lesbilicious Online Magazine]
Their Facebook page: [Facebook Page]
We report fast and we write smart, and we aim to be the first place you look when you need LBi news."
Their URL: [Lesbilicious Online Magazine]
Their Facebook page: [Facebook Page]
Wednesday Woman
Wednesday's Woman: Jessi Teich.... an up-and-coming Philly artist on the brink of awesome! Show her some love.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Get a Massage/ Fight AIDS
Do you need to relax and unwind? Are you feeling achy? If you answered yes to either of these questions, visit Sean Smedley, owner of Silverside Massage! During the months of April & May, Sean will donate $10.00 to AIDS Delaware for every massage that is booked at regular price. This includes purchases of gift certificates for new clients. For more information and/or to book an appointment visit or call Sean at 302-981-1755.
This week in Advance
Your events this week are:
DE Pride Community Meeting,
Fierce Wednesday,
PFLAG Meeting,
Ladies of the 80's
And now for the details:
Delaware Pride Community Meeting
@ 7:00 PM
at the Brandywine Town Center
4050 Brandywine Parkway, Wilmington, DE
We invite you to attend our General Community Meeting, Wednesday, March 9th; this meeting will be an opportunity for you to give your views and ideas as Delaware Pride makes plans for its future and preps itself for the 15th Anniversary Delaware Pride Festival to be held in Rehoboth Beach, DE, Sept 17th!! Your opinions and ideas matter, come make a difference by being a part of Delaware Pride and help us celebrate 15 great years!!
Be sure to let everyone know you learned about us from Facebook.
**No Food or Drink Allowed on Premises**
After the meeting, we go to eat.
If you can't make the meeting, join us for dinner.
Any questions or concerns, email us at:
Welcome to Fierce Wednesdays!
Wilmington's Only Nightclub and Lounge, Club 3, brings you an incredible weekly event where you can meet, drink and dance the night away with old and new friends in the local LGBT community. This is open to everyone that is friendly to the community.
No cover
Drink specials all night long:
$2 Miller Lites
$3 Rail Drinks
DJ will be taking all of your favorite requests all night long.
Doors open at 8pm, DJ on at 9pm and goes until 1am!
Please help spread the word to your friends!
Also keep in mind we have a written agreement and there is TONS of parking across the street at the Happy Harry's building. Parking also available next door at Franks liquor's and behind Wilmington Trust bank.
Questions? Please e-mail us at or call us at 302-655-2000.
PFLAG (Parents/Friends of Lesbians And Gays)
will have their monthly meeting Thursday April 14, 2011
PFLAG meets regularly at Westminster Presbyterian Church
7:00 pm
Ladies of the 80's
Saturday, April 16 at 9:30pm
The Cube Restaurant and Bar
16 Marrows Road
Newark, DE
Come see our April "Ladies of the 80s" drag show, featuring Anita Mann, Karyn Thomas, and special guest, Miss Wilmington, Lady Lordes! Show starts at 9:30pm, $5 cover. Karaoke before and after the show. Come in early for a delicious dinner! The Cube accepts dinner reservations for 4 or more. We'll have a unique set of trivia questions for cute prizes! Stay after for fabulous drink specials!
DE Pride Community Meeting,
Fierce Wednesday,
PFLAG Meeting,
Ladies of the 80's
And now for the details:
Delaware Pride Community Meeting
@ 7:00 PM
at the Brandywine Town Center
4050 Brandywine Parkway, Wilmington, DE
We invite you to attend our General Community Meeting, Wednesday, March 9th; this meeting will be an opportunity for you to give your views and ideas as Delaware Pride makes plans for its future and preps itself for the 15th Anniversary Delaware Pride Festival to be held in Rehoboth Beach, DE, Sept 17th!! Your opinions and ideas matter, come make a difference by being a part of Delaware Pride and help us celebrate 15 great years!!
Be sure to let everyone know you learned about us from Facebook.
**No Food or Drink Allowed on Premises**
After the meeting, we go to eat.
If you can't make the meeting, join us for dinner.
Any questions or concerns, email us at:
Welcome to Fierce Wednesdays!
Wilmington's Only Nightclub and Lounge, Club 3, brings you an incredible weekly event where you can meet, drink and dance the night away with old and new friends in the local LGBT community. This is open to everyone that is friendly to the community.
No cover
Drink specials all night long:
$2 Miller Lites
$3 Rail Drinks
DJ will be taking all of your favorite requests all night long.
Doors open at 8pm, DJ on at 9pm and goes until 1am!
Please help spread the word to your friends!
Also keep in mind we have a written agreement and there is TONS of parking across the street at the Happy Harry's building. Parking also available next door at Franks liquor's and behind Wilmington Trust bank.
Questions? Please e-mail us at or call us at 302-655-2000.
PFLAG (Parents/Friends of Lesbians And Gays)
will have their monthly meeting Thursday April 14, 2011
PFLAG meets regularly at Westminster Presbyterian Church
7:00 pm
Ladies of the 80's
Saturday, April 16 at 9:30pm
The Cube Restaurant and Bar
16 Marrows Road
Newark, DE
Come see our April "Ladies of the 80s" drag show, featuring Anita Mann, Karyn Thomas, and special guest, Miss Wilmington, Lady Lordes! Show starts at 9:30pm, $5 cover. Karaoke before and after the show. Come in early for a delicious dinner! The Cube accepts dinner reservations for 4 or more. We'll have a unique set of trivia questions for cute prizes! Stay after for fabulous drink specials!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Delaware City elects new Mayor
John Buchheit moved to Delaware City in 2004, and shortly after, he received a rude welcome. Someone -- Buchheit never learned who or why -- spray-painted a gay slur with the words "go home" on the side of the restaurant he owns. "It was a little homophobic here at first," Buchheit said. "Things have changed a lot." So much so that Delaware City elected Buchheit its new mayor Tuesday night, and some believe he might be the state's first openly gay mayor.
[click here to view the full article]
[click here to view the full article]
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Wednesday's Woman
Imogen Heap: Hide and Seek
(the not remixed version.... although the remixes are breathtaking)
(the not remixed version.... although the remixes are breathtaking)
Tasty Tuesday
Seafood Paella
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 tablespoon paprika
* 2 teaspoons dried oregano
* salt and black pepper to taste
* 2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2 inch pieces
* 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
* 3 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
* 2 cups uncooked short-grain white rice
* 1 pinch saffron threads
* 1 bay leaf
* 1/2 bunch Italian flat leaf parsley, chopped
* 1 quart chicken stock
* 2 lemons, zested
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 Spanish onion, chopped
* 1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped
* 1 pound chorizo sausage, casings removed and crumbled
* 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1. In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons olive oil, paprika, oregano, and salt and pepper. Stir in chicken pieces to coat. Cover, and refrigerate.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, red pepper flakes, and rice. Cook, stirring, to coat rice with oil, about 3 minutes. Stir in saffron threads, bay leaf, parsley, chicken stock, and lemon zest. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer 20 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a separate skillet over medium heat. Stir in marinated chicken and onion; cook 5 minutes. Stir in bell pepper and sausage; cook 5 minutes. Stir in shrimp; cook, turning the shrimp, until both sides are pink.
4. Spread rice mixture onto a serving tray. Top with meat and seafood mixture.
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 tablespoon paprika
* 2 teaspoons dried oregano
* salt and black pepper to taste
* 2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2 inch pieces
* 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
* 3 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
* 2 cups uncooked short-grain white rice
* 1 pinch saffron threads
* 1 bay leaf
* 1/2 bunch Italian flat leaf parsley, chopped
* 1 quart chicken stock
* 2 lemons, zested
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 Spanish onion, chopped
* 1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped
* 1 pound chorizo sausage, casings removed and crumbled
* 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1. In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons olive oil, paprika, oregano, and salt and pepper. Stir in chicken pieces to coat. Cover, and refrigerate.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, red pepper flakes, and rice. Cook, stirring, to coat rice with oil, about 3 minutes. Stir in saffron threads, bay leaf, parsley, chicken stock, and lemon zest. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer 20 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a separate skillet over medium heat. Stir in marinated chicken and onion; cook 5 minutes. Stir in bell pepper and sausage; cook 5 minutes. Stir in shrimp; cook, turning the shrimp, until both sides are pink.
4. Spread rice mixture onto a serving tray. Top with meat and seafood mixture.
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